Sold Selling 11x Afterglows, 2x Aeonic, 3x Mythic, 5x Empyrean AG 5/5 HQ Adhemar/Souveran+1

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sidewinderz, 5/17/17.

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  1. Sidewinderz

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    I don't even know where to start with this listing... Best account on the market in years 100% guaranteed.

    All OO info including Photo I.D and original email address used to set up SE account.

    This account is stunning from start to finish, With an absolutely decked out BLU, PLD, SAM, WAR, THF, DRG, NIN, BLM and a RNG which is probably the best actively geared RNG on FFXI right now no question....
    The account is also loaded with HQ abjuration equipment and superb augments on Reisenjima equipment making it absolute top of the highest tier and the above jobs are all mastered.

    Very up-to date account, All equipments from latest content like +2 and +3 Relic pieces and +2 equipments from ambuscade simply put this account is ready to drop into anything and be perfect.

    Not to mention the character needs 2 more T4 Reisenjima kills and it will have obtained Great Katana Aeonic "Dojikiri Yasutsuna!!"....


    21x RMEA which are the following:



    NON AG:

    Aegis (99)
    Ochain (90)
    Spharai (119)
    Mandau (119)
    Apocalypse (119)
    Ukonvasara (85)
    Farsha (85)
    Armageddon (85)


    Abjuration equipment:

    5/5 Adhemar +1
    5/5 Souveran +1
    4/5 Argosy +1
    4/5 Amalric +1
    4/5 Carmine +1
    3/5 Lustratio +1
    Emicho Haubert +1
    Emicho Gauntlets +1
    Ryuo Tekko +1
    Ryuo Hakama +1


    Omen equipment:

    Regal Earring
    Utu Grip
    Iskur Gorget
    Niqmaddu Ring
    Dingir Ring
    Nusku Shield
    Sherida Earring
    Anu Torque
    Kishar Ring
    Enki Strap
    Erra Pendant

    Ambuscade Equipment:

    Meghanada Cuirie +2
    Meghanada Gloves +2
    Hizamaru Hizayoroi +2
    Meghanada Visor +1
    Meghanada Chausses +1
    Meghanada Jambeaux +1
    Sulevia's Mask +1
    Sulevia's Platemail +1
    Sulevia's Gauntlets +1
    Sulevia's Cuisses +1
    Sulevia's Leggings +1
    Hizamaru Somen +1
    Hizamaru Haramaki +1
    Hizamaru Kote +1
    Hizamaru Sune-Ate +1
    Jhakri Coronal +1
    Jhakri Robe +1
    Jhakri Cuffs +1
    Jhakri Slops +1
    Jhakri Pigaches +1
    Flamma Zucchetto +1
    Flamma Korazin +1
    Flamma Manopolas +1
    Flamma Dirs +1
    Flamma Gambieras +1
    Mummu Bonnet +1
    Mummu Jacket +1
    Mummu Wrists +1
    Mummu Kecks +1
    Ayanmo Corazza +1
    Ayanmo Cosciales +1
    Ayanmo Gambieras +1

    Notable Geas Fete/Reisenjima:

    The following equipments are all augmented with superb rolls.

    Valorous Mask
    Valorous Mask
    Valorous Mail
    Valorous Mitts
    Valorous Trousers
    Valorous Greaves
    Merlinic Hood
    Merlinic Jubbah
    Merlinic Shalwar
    Merlinic Crackows
    Odyssean Helm
    Odyssean Chestplate
    Odyssean Gauntlets
    Odyssean Cuisses
    Odyssean Cuisses
    Odyssean Greaves
    Herculean Helm
    Herculean Vest
    Herculean Gloves
    Herculean Gloves
    Herculean Gloves
    Herculean Trousers
    Herculean Trousers
    Herculean Boots
    Herculean Boots
    Herculean Boots

    Notable Geas Fete/Reisenjima Accessories:

    Telos Earring
    Reiki Cloak
    Shango Robe
    Abnoba Kaftan
    Combatant's Torque
    Incanter's Torque
    Dedition Earring
    Ainia Collar
    Begrudging Ring
    Baetyl Pendant
    Lissome Necklace
    Dignitary's Earring
    Genmei Earring
    Hetaroi Ring
    Kobo Kote
    Sanctity Necklace
    Caro Necklace
    Nodens Gorget
    Ishvara Earring
    Apate Ring

    Notable Unity Equipment:

    Kustawi +1
    Odnowa Earring +1
    Loess Barbuta +1
    Loricate Torque +1
    Emet Harness +1
    Macabre Gauntlets +1
    Warders Charm +1
    Unmoving Collar +1
    Mephitas's Ring +1
    Apiele Ring
    Apiele Ring +1
    Shinjutsu No Obi

    Reforged Artifact/Relic/Empyrean equipment:

    Orion Beret +3
    Orion Jerkin +3
    Orion Gloves +3
    Spaeakona's Coat +2
    Pummelers Cuisses +2
    Pummelers Calligae +2
    Wakido Haidate +2
    Wakido Domaru +2
    Kasuga Domaru +1
    Kasuga Haidate +1
    Wakido Kabuto +1
    Wakido Sune-ate +1
    Wakido Gloves +1
    Sakonji Gloves +1
    Arcadian Beret +1
    Arcadian Jerkin +1
    Arcadian Braccae +1
    Arcadian Feet +1

    Lots more RME reforged in storage.


    Iosheha Belt +1
    Kwahu Kachina Belt +1
    Pixie Hairpin +1
    Windbuffet Belt +1
    Tempus Fugit
    Moonbeam Necklace
    Moonbeam Nodowa
    Stikini Ring x2
    Ramuh Ring +1 x2
    Ifrit Ring +1 x2
    Shiva Ring +1 x2
    Garuda Ring +1 x2
    Chirich Ring x2
    Hajduk Ring +1 x2
    Prolix Ring
    Coatl Gorget +1
    Prosilio Belt +1
    Flume Belt +1
    Plus much MUCH more....

    Job Points:

    PLD - 2100jps
    WAR - 2100jps
    BLU - 2100jps
    BLM - 2100jps
    DRG - 2100jps
    THF - 2100jps
    SAM - 2100jps
    NIN - 550jps



    100% Complete, Non-Stupid choices.

    Abyssea, Voidwatch, Delve:

    All 100% Cleared.


    Maxed out.

    This is the best account on the market, It's one of the best accounts that's been for sale in years, Multiple mastered pimped out to the max jobs loaded with afterglow RMEA's to boot.

    Buyout: $3500

    I will not be selling the gil/sellables seperately and I will only accept paypal by those who are of high reputation otherwise I will only accept a WU payment, MM at your own expense.

    Thanks for looking.
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