1.5 billion t4's, 4.1 billion in total. 10 billion research. Hero level 67 (470b hero xp in items) (118k/300K) VIP 24 (Missing 400m) 10M gold, 3.5T stone, 3.2T wood, 4.5T ore, 2.7T food, 5.1T silver. SH 24, 14 lvl 22 baracks. 1 lvl 23 baracks, quarry, logging, mine, marketplace, gymnos, store house, walls, forge and prison. lvl 24 farm. Full supreme marshal, power shaman, pegasus, anniversary colossus, golden shogun, frost lord. 3 pieces of skeleton king, 2 pieces of oracle, 3 of dongeoneer, 3 of mythic destroyer, 2 of master achitect. 4 instant execution,3 45m and 3 60m deadly hemlock, 6 ransom notes, 670k master hammers, 11.5m power essence, 864 raw power, 10k power jewels, 5 blessed orbs, 3.6k training manual, 30 monster net. P.S. All combat stats not including monster kills are at zero. I've yet to attack or have been attack. Ancient Kingdom Selene #242 X301Y561. Contact if you'd like more information.