Sold [SELLING]11+k Paragon EU Non-Season

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Helios415, 12/5/21.

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  1. Helios415

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    My Location:
    all gems you need 150

    perfect gear for monk,
    perfect gear for wizard (firebird),
    gear for barb, necro, dh (god items)

    and a bunch of primals for the classes

    all Etheral Transmogs unlocked
    some wings included the Wings of Valor

    mats: white 100k+, blue 200k+, yellow 350k+, death breath 400k+, forgotten soul 700k+ and some bounty mats

    price: 250€

    more details -> Discord Name: HexanZ#3996
    #1 Helios415, 12/5/21
    Last edited: 12/7/21
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