Sold [Selling] 11.4k GS - Leggo Erenor Staff - 60k GOLD - Epic Buff/T7 Leggo obs

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hunmu, 12/16/18.

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  1. Hunmu

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    After years of playing, It's time to move on to a different game. This is by far the best account that has been for sale in a very long time, and it comes with everything you need to instantly one of the most geared players in this game

    Highlights of this account:

    ***Every piece of gear/weapon is fully gemmed with T3, Fully tempered***
    1- Full Epic T6 obsidian armor, with 2 Legendary T7 obsidian pieces (Chest/Legs)
    2- Legendary Eerenor Staff (Under 20 players in the entire game have a legendary erenor weapon
    3- Legendary Ayanad Wave bow
    4- Epic/Legendary accessories
    5- Tons of mounts/pets

    This account literally has everything you need. It's ready to go!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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