Sold Selling 11.37 Billion Power with 13.5 Million Gold. State 261.

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Walshy1993, 11/20/16.

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  1. Walshy1993

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    Level 22 base is 11,370,378,609 power with 13,565,632 gold on hand. VIP is level 92 and commander is level 60. Full legendary Wolf, Hammerhead, and latest Rebel, Research, and Training gear all outfitted with full mod sets. Latest Infantry and Tactical prototype suits are modded and in inventory. 590k hospital beds, all base buildings are level 22. Combat Lab is level 17, Troop Academy is level 10. Over 8 billion stone, 2.5 billion iron, 1 billion food, and 4.3 billion coin on hand. 240k T4 traps, mix of regular and advanced. All combat research is complete for regular and advanced troops, and t2 Mercenary troops are unlocked. Most research is complete except building development and mod set and set bonus research is about halfway done. Base has 126 million troops; over 90 million t3/t3 advanced (15mil each type) and over 30 million t4/t4 advanced (6mil each type). Both second building queues are permanently active and all level 6 insignias are present except Defense. Base stats are 72.4 million kills, 3,154 battles won and 229 lost. Troop KDR is 1.42. Troop power is 3.451 bil, trap power is 1.2 mil, building power is 23.2 mil, missions power is 2.96 bil, research power is 4.42 bil, and commander level-up power is 510.7 mil.

    Looking for $400-$500 OBO.

    Serious Inquiries Only.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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