Selling Selling 10k Human, Alexina Server

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xkohelox, 11/9/16.

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  1. xkohelox

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    I have a human with a total level just under 10k(like 1 maybe 2 rebirths under)
    Most combat skills are R1,
    Most Magic are R1,
    Actually most talents are R1 skills except for Archery,Alchemy, Puppetry And life
    It does come with RK armor which is worth about $20
    Untamed Violent Champion Knuckles which are about $45
    DSK (dustin) set which is about $20-$30
    Fireball Max Damage 20 and Ice Spear max damage 19 Hermit staff $70+
    Celtic Royal Knight Sword R6 r1 3l 56th floor and 48th floor high artisan roll worth $100

    Images can be found here:

    All I'm asking for is $500 but I could possibly go for lower, so skype me with offers
    Skype: Kohelo56
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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