Sold Selling 100$ lv66 Theo40,Wukong40, Ace38, Karma34,RIn30,Lubu30, Rudi40,Kris40,Spike34

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by naomi, 11/18/16.

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  1. naomi

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    For sell my account connect to gmail, Facebook. (I'll give you both)
    Cek ign : Cupits Lv.66

    7k Heroes : had a lot of costume, and limited costume's
    40 Rudi
    40 Kriss
    34 Spike
    30 Eiline
    30 Rachel

    4Lords Heroes and ex-Lords : had a lot of costume, and limited costume's
    40 Theo
    40 Sun Wukong
    38 Ace
    34 Karma
    30 Rin
    30 LuBu

    Regular Heroes : all trial heroes full unlock and some hv costumes
    40 Pascal
    40 Da Qiao
    40 May
    40 Shane
    40 Espada
    40 Sieg
    40 Lina
    40 Lucy
    40 Karin
    40 Lee Jung
    40 Guan Yu
    40 Bi Dam
    40 Rei
    40 MingMing
    36 Nezha
    36 Yu Shin
    36 Nia
    34 Joker
    32 Yui
    32 Karon
    32 Jake have 2 *4 Jake
    32 Lania
    30 Victoria
    30 Ashura

    All Formation MAX ( Currently Topaz 248, Ruby 1250, Gold 5Million )
    Mastery Max
    Arena 4600
    A lot of awaken weapon +5 and raid max raid weapon, Jewel +5, and many unused jewel *6 left
    * Puzzle still at wukong only - Cleo,
    * Tower of abbys point 760+-

    For Sale 100$ ,you can contact me via :
    Whatsapp : +6287882673819
    Line : Robven
    Email : [email protected]
    main FB :faceb*

    Indonesian via atm, Jakarta can meet up...other country only via paypal~
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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