Sold [Selling] 100% legit Exalted Orbs on Legacy Softcore

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xab3r, 3/11/17.

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  1. Xab3r

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    Hi guys, I'm here to represent my group of friends. We provide you with an opportunity to jump start your builds, saving you all that time usually spent farming the currency you need in order to gear up your character before you can even begin playing the fun and exciting aspects of the game.

    Current rate: $4.5 / Exalted Orb [​IMG] (CHEAPEST PRICE for playerup lurkers!)
    Stock: 30+
    Payment: Paypal only

    Status: Online! feel free to drop a message

    ...and within 2 minutes you'll receive your stuff. I insure and take full responsibility for the safety of a transaction as our own characters are important to us.

    I'll be updating my online / offline status and stock to reflect. Can sell in small chunks if you prefer so.

    Essence Thread: 100% legit Exalted Orbs on Essence Softcore
    Breach Thread: 100% legit Exalted Orbs on Breach Softcore
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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