Quick overview One account/one owner. No bans/strikes. US account. SCH is decked out. 12 min duration storms + 50% mb sets, idle sets, stun/enfeeb/nuke sets. Capped job points BLM is decked out. 50% mb sets, idle sets, death set, nuke sets. Capped job points GEO is decked out minus Idris. ( Dunna + 900+ geo skill, fully functional Geo ). Capped job points PLD is Aegis/Ochain and 50% pdt/dt sets. 1800ish job points. RUN has all relic/emp/af gear, fully functioning, low job points. BLU is geared well, has all important spells, 1100ish job points. All missions cleared minus WotG. 110 + 8 goldsmithing 2/6 coalitions capped. Tupsimati afterglow Sequence Aeneas Fail-Not Srivatsa Fomalhaut Lionheart 99 Aegis 90 Ochain Account has tons of escha/rei/helm gear and good augments to go with them. 5/5 on most abj sets, and extra abj's in inv as well. Too much r/e gear to list, but feel free to inquire. No gil on account. Mage jobs can clear/participate in any high tier content, and a good baseline to dive into melee jobs if that is your cup of tea! Will do a sharescreen to any serious inquiries to verify account. Buyout is $1200, Western union only