Selling Sellin my Account

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by callmeaj, 11/18/16.

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  1. callmeaj

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    Want to sell my whole vindictus account. As I haven't played in almost 3 months and dont see myself comin back for a while.

    All characters are around level 85 with a level 70 vella and a low level sylas.

    I've got a +12 Noblesse pillar on Karok and i dont remember his armor set or stats.

    Evie has a +13/14 staff and a +12 enchanted, and full pirate set

    Arisha has a +10 sword enchanted with full enchanted armor.

    Sylas has some gear, mostly event gear, hes level 80 with permanant +8 armageddon armor/weapon

    Delia has some gear and is also pretty low leveled, around 55.

    I want to sell the account because i dont use it, and I dont play the game anymore.

    Most characters (not karok or sylas) have an outfitter, and tons of NX items. There is also a few mil gold between all the characters. I'm only askin $50 for the account and will be using a middle man. You can PM me on skype @ Neithsmite and i can give some ss of the account. I prefer to use paypal, as its easier for the both of us
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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