Selling Sell - Vip10 - 95 - merger 515

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mid123, 10/25/17.

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  1. mid123

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    Sell account 95
    server Merger 515
    I never binded the account to an email and never changed the name. (So I will basically bind the account to the email that u chose)

    Medea 71k gold o+5 awakened
    Jacob 70k gold o+5 awakened
    Zoe 70k silver o+5 awakened
    Jolie 69k gold o+5 awakened
    Diachon 65k silver o+5 awakened
    Blaine 62k gold o+5 awakened
    Gerber 61k gold o+5 awakened
    Muse 60k 5 star o+5 awakened
    Yuan 60k silver o+5 awakened
    Pulan 57k gold o+5 awakened
    Melynn 54k gold o+5 awakened
    Emily 53k silver o+5 awakened
    Alma 53k 5 star o+5 awakened
    Gridlock 52k gold o+3 awakened
    Gears 51k 5 star o+2 awakened

    Pandarus, sebastian, little red, ruby, mira, Kong Ming & coco are awakened.
    3.5k diamonds.

    I'm still leveling, but I don't have time to play anymore. I luv the game and my acc but it is what it is!

    I will sell for who offers more.
    Payment only by Venmo.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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