Sold Sell Rotmg endgame account with maxed legendary pet

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Radler, 12/1/22.

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  1. Radler

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    Selling Rotmg account, pet is legendary heal/mheal 90/90, second pet is nearly maxed out, pet yard is divine, account includes 10 char slots unlocked intotal, 64 vault space, pot storage isn't upgraded.
    Account has over 100k+ bf alive, nearly 100k on account itself, looking for offers around 70+eur/usd ( buyer pays for MM ) i'd accept Growtopia dls/bgls payment aswell, but you'd have to go first.
    Account has fresh new gmail made, i'll include all security questions of account to new owner aswell.
    Account has 65 skins in it, 105 exaltations, multiple skin petstones, limited blueprints, nearly all of the blueprints in the game.
    Account has all titles from shatters event, battlepass is purchased & fully maxed out ( season 1 & season 2 ) Contact with me on discord Radler#9699 if u have any questions or offers.

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