Selling Sell Rare stuff TYRANT server

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/9/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have many rare items I am willing to sell PAYPAL only!

    151 Master Breeder

    155+25 STAGE 1 Takin Demonic long range very strong pet (one of best or the best on server)
    151+25 stage 3 Sniper Pumpkin head: Mutant long range
    52+2 stage 2 harpy x2
    level 3 s1 ice maid
    115+25 s1 Kenta
    150+25 s2 All-seeing Dinosaur fish, Creature able to back allies

    +11 lv 10 Feral Longbow Bounded Mystic item (addition damage +333)
    +3 level 10 boots and gloves Feral
    +11 lv 10 Braced Long bow bounded item (addition damage 847)
    +3 lv 10Cincture belt
    +8 lv 10 Ardent Armor (hunter 100)
    +9 lv 10 Betrayal of Departed Soul
    +8 lv 10 Devouring Armor (hunter 100)
    +9 lv 10 Devouring Armor (hunter 120)
    +7 Primal Hunters Master Armor
    Coil of Rudra belt
    Band of Rakashi ring
    Band of Rudra ring
    Primal Boar's Ring
    Soul of Rakashi Earrings
    Peace of Rudra earrings

    Cat Ears
    Careful Darkcaster Chestpiece of the Novice
    Eerie Darkcaster Gloves of the Novice
    Frantic Darkcaster Boots of the Novice
    Wings of the Divine Council

    Also have Microraptor Card


    To many has +3 CTC and some cs items in item box nothing to great account bounded

    intrested in anything inc account let me know! add me on skype Gavsta6

    message me offers
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