Sell Ragnarok Account (Any Server) lvl99/ lvl254(private) for Gunbound AVATAR

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    I'm a super professional in Ragnarok Online, just tell me which server you are using, private server or any server, tell me, I got over 100 accounts in over 100 servers, I played over 100 servers as well.

    Now I'm changing game to get new excitment, RAGNAROK ACCOUNT FOR GUNBOUND AVATAR ONLY! Is it great?

    Honestly, two years ago, I played Gunbound, the name is Lingooi, but I cannot access to the avatar shop because I changed computer(IP changed)

    It is a Gold Metal with 300k gold and 1~2k cash, it is alot for me.

    But now,I'm playing new account, DarkXean, anyone who is intresting please reply hereor private message me. Thank you, ANY SERVER, ANY!

    Best regards,

    Lingooi Alexander Lite

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