Some info: Account is 130-130-130 Monk-Monk-Monk Vip 3 Eu server gears: SuperRing +6 2soc -1% perm p3 SuperEarrings +6 2soc -5% superKingsClub+8 2soc SuperBuriedBlade +7 2soc -7 poison blade +7 tower 2soc SGG SGG +6 fan 2soc STG STG +6 horse miraculous -1 Asura's Frock +7 2soc +6 crop kingsclub +6 2soc Buriedblade +6 2soc emperor club +5 2soc +5 crop -1 email/msn/skype: ***************************************************** Selling account for 2 bulks since im gonna farm in other server to make real life money. this is a serious post noob offers will be ignored