Sold [Sell-MULTI] Trusted Trader! EA FC25 Coins - fast delivery! Safest transfer method! 20€ /...

Discussion in 'FIFA Coins for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/T0XiiC27, 9/23/24.

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  1. /u/T0XiiC27

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    [Price update - old post](\_trusted\_trader\_ea\_fc25\_coins\_fast/)


    Selling EA FC25 Coins for console (PS and xbox) - prices:

    * **20€ / 100k**

    * **100€ / 500k**

    * **190€ / 1mil**

    Returning customer (multiple orders already) will get an additional 5% off.

    **EA Tax and playercost fully covered by me.**

    Transfer Method

    * Comfort trade: Requires you to give me your EA Login details and 1 backup code ([Found here]( I will transfer the coins on to your account, while you can sit back and chill!

    *Your webapp has to be unlocked, tradepile can't be full and make sure you dont have any unassigned items.*

    **Zero bans or wipes** in thousands of orders across Fifa 21 - EAFC24

    Payment Methods

    * PayPal

    * Crypto

    * Skrill

    Contact Options

    * Reddit

    * Discord: dust.n or [my Discord Server](


    * [FUTRep Profile](\_futrep\_profile/)

    * [FUTRep Profile 2](\_futrep\_profile\_2/)

    I'm available from 8am (morning) - 12am (midnight - **CET Timezone**) daily

    # #/T0XiiC27
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