Selling SELL Lineage 2 Account Yull Archer Ghost Santinel...

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sergiu Iulian, 9/18/13.

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  1. Sergiu Iulian

    Sergiu Iulian
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    SELL Lineage 2 Account Yull Archer Ghost Santinel 99 lvl Hello everybody ,as you can observe tittle i want to sell an Yull Archer Ghost Santinel lvl 99 on Shillen server . Some details about my char hmm i am the owner from lvl 0 to 99 , i can tell you that my char got lvl 99 main archer 88 dualclass Othell Rogue Ghost Hunter and rest are lvl max for certificates. Speeking about equip : - Eternal Leather Helmet+4 3 x120 - Eternal Leather Brestplate +4 3x120 - Eternal Leather Gaiters +4 3x120 - Eternal Lether Gloves+5 3x120 - Eternal Leather Boots+5 3x120 - +4 Augumented Specter Thrower Damage Up +300 Fire - Glorious T-shirt - Tallisman of Anihilation (i failed 12 times to hellfire) - CoC earrings rezist stun and mental attack - Seraph Necklace /2 rings +4 - Enchanted Octavis Bracelet ++++++++++ other stuffs augumented weapons bla bla a too long list so i can mention all For Dualclass i have full set twilight +3 x60 and Apocalypse Dualdaggers +4+300 +damage up. My main char got all dmg skills+6 and passives +4-6 . Dunno for more details contact me, i'm looking for offerts. Regards all and ty for reading! Peace.
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