777 last chaos hi im here only to sell item in psc : 93x3 = 3 only 25 psc ( HUGE hitrate package ) 56x3 = 3 only 10psc ( give me a high eva package ) xbow cast +15 = 10psc ( 1shot 1 kill packege ) xbow with silence skill +15 = 6psc ( skill is not allowed package ) 1100 expb + 2pbi + 2ticket 500%+ 2 30% exp potion 1hour + 2 potion haste + 1 2hour hp/mp stealer only + 12exp scroll = 25psc ( boost me like using # package ) 1300expb = 20psc (cheap expb sell ) account lvl 165 assasin(97k sp) with armo : shirt 136+15b6e anti stun with lvl 5 juwel pants 164+15 cast with lvl 5 juwel glove 154+15 eva with lvl 5 juwel boot 156+15 eva speed with lvl 3 juwel helm cast 107+15b6e cast with lvl 3 juwel cast dagger 165+15 with lvl 5 juwel xbow cast +15 xbow silence skill +15 56x3 = 3 93x3 = 3 cash =363 left many potion cast item clean waran lvl 63 horse dragon selto.. many item also interest pm me or reply here i got sorc lvl 139 also another account : with full set 136-137+15 b6e eva ( cast and speed also ) wp 133+15 g5 93x3 = 3 52x3 = 3 got horse and panda lvl 60 and reifonian.. if u wan account full : rogue full with cash item = 100psc min if sorc with full with cash item = 50psc min interest inbox me or reply me here anythings u need at 777lc just tell me..if i got i can sell it to u.. some question maybe u gonna ask me : reason why im selling this all item??? anwswer is i wanna change play server to my country server.. if interest but u wann my skype ?? i just have qq international and Ym how many gold i have in 777lc?? i have 1.2kkkk left on rogue but i have many cash item to sold if u wan farm more gold// any question?? just inbox me or YM me thanks you for see my post cheers.. bumpzzzz