Sell Hentai Heroes account. Motive: not enough time to play it properly Level: 480 Kobans: 2900 (and increasing) Girls (672) : More than 30 girls in max lvl 750, most of them 5 stars legendary or Mythic. More than 80 5 stars legendary girls. Most girls not fully upgraded just so it can be easier to win contests and missions, but there's plenty of XP and affection itens to do so (more than 1 kk of XP and more than 1.3 kk of Aff) Mythic Girls (10): Most of them in lvl 750, except Royal Housemaid (565), Undercover Valentina (353) and VR Neono (704). Baroque Rabbi, Demon Queen Mala and Esme fully upgraded stats and lvl Money: > 950M (used only to buy XP and Aff itens, when it market is restocked) World: Stairway to Heaven (Mother Angel). All Tier 1 girls up to Ninja Sacred Lands adquired, so it is easier to get future Mythic Girls in these areas. Champions: 4300 Tickets. All champions girls adquired, except Shtupra Skill points: 0 mythic, 42 legendary, 231 epic, 182 rare and 189 common Pantheon lvl: 1500 Pachinko Orbs: 51 Epic 1 game, 174 Mythic 1 game, 1 Mythic 3 games, 1 Mythic 6 games, 25 Equipment 2 games, 19 Great 1 game, 251 Great 10 games. EXTRA: Pornstar Harem account for free (179 girls, 1 mythic, max lvl 550) Price: U$ 250 Payment Method: Paypal * Still playing so the account may be better but not worse than when this ad was made. Kobans only used to adquire Mythic Girls (sandalwood perfume and combativity), and Money used to buy XP/Aff itens. ** ask questions about the account as you like.