[Sell]GrandChase account I'm selling a account i used to play for a open offer, pm me offers and i'll see if any 1 has a higher offer or a lower and i'll compare. Whats on the account? Lass-LvL 75-stats S+ (SS with black champion Skin) Ronan-LvL 2 -stats F Items worth mentioning? *Lass* Dog star set(does not include accessories/pet/1st/2nd/3rd job weapons) [Accessories] Black dragon's Ring [Coordi's] [Skin] Serdin School boy hair [Skin] Private school blazer [Skin] Private school pants [Skin] Clear cloak [Skin] Angel Pink Wings [Pets] Duely Jr. Edna Ming Ming [Pet Skills](cash) Soul crusher (179x) Cross Slasher(148x) *Ronan* Nothing. LOL [Total stats] *Lass* 43,746 [Total Attack] 17689 [Attack] 9124 [Defense] 4275 [Vitality] 5992 [Special attack] 344 [Special defense] 22.4% [Crit. Strike Chance] 210.9% [Crit. Attack Damage] 0.0% [Count. Atk Resist] 0.0% [Fight Count. Atk Resist] 0.0% [Hp Recovery] 4.8% [Mp Recovery] 1.2% [Fight Mp Recovery] 0.0% [GP bonus] 0.0% [EXP Bonus] 300 [Hell Spear] *Ronan* Low level, doesn't matter. [Pvp stats] i didn't pvp much, cause well i sucked but it's W1-5L [Skills(including Ultimates)] *Lass* Most skills in skill tree All 4 Ultimates. *Ronan* none. http://graph.facebook..com/656258984471237/picture