Selling SELL GDMO CHAR TAMER LV-72 .::. 17/18/19 DIGI...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zica Reavind, 6/3/12.

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  1. Zica Reavind

    Zica Reavind
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    SELL GDMO CHAR TAMER LV-72 .::. 17/18/19 DIGI 5/5 DIGI .:. 2 AGUMON 124% -VIC- LV85 ELECMON 124% -BANCHOU -LV73 4/5 .:. 15 SAALAMON 124% -OPHA -LV80 EX-VEE 122% -FM+R -LV72 Impmon 118% -BM+R -LV83 Guilmon 113% -BM+R -LV80 -goodest asu Monodramon -MEGA LV65 Gotsumon -MEGA LV60 Gabumon -MEGA LV55 Dobermon -MEGA LV50 Terriermon -MEGA LV46 Renamon -MEGA LV41 Patamon -MEGA LV41 DemiDevimon -ULTI LV37 Kamemon -OpenMega LV13 MechaNorimon -Perawan LV12 Kiwimon -Perawan LV10 SATU JUTA -Nego. no pulsa, gw pake BNI. INVENT+WH kebuka semua ARCHIEVE kosong 1 data lanjut besok klo sempat.
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    Ray Farandy

    Ray Farandy
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    wew pensi zic ?
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    Zica Reavind

    Zica Reavind
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    kgk, iseng doang
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  4. OP
    Ray Farandy

    Ray Farandy
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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