Selling  Asia  4+ Years Old  Verified  4.8-4.9 Star Rating  51-100 Reviews SELL freelancer com 5 years old account with more 70 perfect reviews

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vnadeveloper, 11/11/20.

  1. vnadeveloper

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    My Location:
    Hi there,

    I am a developer in Ha Noi city, Viet nam. Now I am focusing my new work so I would like to sell my freelancer account in

    * The account information

    + I made the account October, 2016 and It has many certifications
    + There are 71 reviews and the rating is 4.9. All are 5 stars and perfect reviews. The projects are relative website development
    + Total earnings is $15300 since joining freelancer.
    + I am in top 9% freelancers based on my earnings and reviews (report in my dashboard)

    * What I will transfer

    + I will transfer full credentials of the freelancer account
    + I will change setting to your full information like name, phone, email, address, etc
    + I will help you how to place a bid and complete project perfectly

    * How to deal

    We will make video conference, teamviewer, phone, email to discuss further, so on. As well as you can go to Ha Noi capital, Viet nam then we can meet directly (if need)

    * Contact me

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask at my skype live:.cid.c993c7f6b0909ebb

    Thanks you so much.

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