Selling sell EU hs account 15 legendaries Archmage...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dragos Olteanu, 3/25/15.

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  1. Dragos Olteanu

    Dragos Olteanu
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    sell EU hs account 15 legendaries Archmage Antonidas Tirion Fordring Prophet Velen Baron Rivendare Feugen Loatheb Stalagg Cairne Bloodhoof Gelbin Mekkatorque Maexxna Sylvanas Windrunner Kel'Thuzad Ragnaros the Firelord Alexstrasza Ysera 17 epic Ancient of lore Steamwhedle Sniper Echo of medivh Avenging Wrath Lay on Hands Shadowformx2 Lightbomb Cabal shadow priest Siltfin Spiritwalker Doomhammerx2 Gorehowl Blood Knightx2 Mini-mage Mountain Giant 80+ rares 300 dust 30 gold 710 wins 274 arena wins (finished arena) levels - 43 mage, 29 shaman, 32 druid, 33 paladin, 26 warlock, 30 hunter, 33 warrior, 28 rogue, 52 priest total level - 306 Naxx finished 50 euros negociable
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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