Hello, today I sell my TERA EU Account. More than 8 Slots for your charakter. 4x 65 lvl account (Berserker, Priest, Lancer, Slayer). Berserker Mounts: http://prntscr.com/ao4o3b (the cat and the christmas kuma is temporary) Berserker Pets: Screenshot by Lightshot http://prntscr.com/ao4o5e Berserker Pet Bank (3 Bank Pets): Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Berserker Inventar: http://prntscr.com/ao4nip Berserker Profile: http://prntscr.com/ao4nuu http://prntscr.com/ao4nfg Berserker Appearance: Screenshot by Lightshot Bank: Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Veteran Account: (every account can use this items) Screenshot by Lightshot More than 8 Slots: Screenshot by Lightshot Some items in broker: Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Priest, Slayer and Lancer have not that much items. Contact me for more info.