Sold sell digitalocean azure aws google cloud

Discussion in 'Google Cloud Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jessepinkman3, 12/25/23.

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  1. jessepinkman3

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    sell digitalocean azure aws google cloud

    sell cloud account

    I can create custom cloud accounts as a result of your communication

    Digitalocean 3 droplet limit : 5usd

    Digitalocean 10 droplet limit : 15usd

    Digitalocean 10 droplet limit port open : 20usd

    Amazon aws 5vcpu ec2 :3usd

    Amazon aws 8vcpu ec2 :5usd

    Amazon aws 32vcpu ec2 :12usd

    Azure free trial 200$ credit : 7usd

    Azure pay as you go :12usd

    Linode fresh account : 7usd

    Linode port open 25: 60usd

    Google cloud :28...

    Читать далее
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