Sell Buy Account Dark Age of Camelot, Dark Age of Camelot Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Accounts

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    2007 Promotions Going On Now, Slashed Price and Free Gold!

    Account Information
    Christmas ' New Year are not far away! Like previous years, we would like to express our appreciation on our valued customers with the best deals. In 2007, we have scored great achievements. Up to December 6, 2007, the number of registered customers on our website has reached 350,739; Our Ebay Store got 11,076 Positive Feedbacks; 74,885 Powerleveling orders have been satisfyingly completed. We couldn't be the leader of the Online Game secondary market without your unceasing support. From December 6, 2007 to Jan 8, 2008, a series of promotions will be launched, please do pay close attention to our website news. '#12288;The first Promotion is: “WoW Gold (USA/ EU) -1000G+100G Bonus” Purchase WoW Gold 1000G Product, Will be award of extra 100 Gold on your delivered! From 0:00 AM EST December 9 to 2007 - 0:00 AM EST December 13, 2007 (5:00 AM GMT December 6, 2007 - 5:00 AM GMT December 13, 2007), whoever purchase 1,000 WoW Gold on our store will be award of extra 50 Gold! Please note that this offer only applicable to the 1,000 G orders, so if you want to buy 3,000 Gold, you are recommended to place three 1,000 G orders. There is no limitation on the purchase times. 90% orders delivered after payment. Please feel free to contact us via LiveChat, E-mail, if you have any problem. World of Warcraft Gold – USA World of Warcraft Gold - Europe Tip: However, the quantity of the bonus Gold will not be calculated in your Shopping Cart. But Dont Worry! The extra 100 Bonus Gold will be delivered to you together with the 1000 Gold that you have ordered. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! With best regards GameAres Team gameares

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTB Shadowblade

    Account Information
    wtb shadowblade on classic server.. good temp rr5 if poss=)

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS 2 Hight RR account! 11L8 banshee 11L1 eldritch

    Account Information
    i have 2 extraodinary account to sell. fist is a banshee 11L8 on a classic serveur, its a 6-7th of overall cluster. Come whit a vampiir 7L7. price 250$ second account is a Eldritch 11L1 on Devon Cluster, come whit perfect template, he ml10 cl10. ON it, i have animist 50, vampiir 50. ON this account, i got a amrsman 5l2 devon and sb50 on devon. price 250$. " account come whit a secret word.! repry question at hdn_saladin@

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Transfer, Buy, and Sell Daoc Plat

    Account Information
    If you haven't heard of me, I transfer, buy, and sell daoc plat. I also have a page if your looking to sell or buy and account, aswell as various other information pages. seusexchange

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS Eldy rr5l4 and Ranger rr6l0 Comes with #

    Account Information
    1st Account Main Char Eldritch-50 rr5l4 Fully Templated in Toa -Champ Staff -Has money for omni procs This account has run time till the middle of November This character is capable of two shotting leather and cloth users with ease and has an 800 dmg capability when using Light spec Also on this account is a 50 Warden 50 Nightshade and a 35 Animist and Champion 2nd Account- # account Main Char Ranger Rr6l1 Pretty much templated could use a little elbow grease to make better but otherwise pretty good for his rank Uses Tao and Champ Gear as well 50 Druid with decent buffing armor use to buff my eldritch and any other char on the second account Aim- DeAr sOnGwOods Email- evilzim2@ Id much prefer aim as it will go a hell of a lot quicker

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTS...3 DAoC Accounts!!

    Account Information
    Looking to sell all 3 of my accounts in a bundle. Account 1: Percival -50 Animist RR5+ Champ 10 ML 10 LGM Tailor Account 1: Nimue -50 Necromancer RR4+ Account 2: Percival -50 Ranger RR4L5 Champ 10 ML 9 LGM Alchemist -45 Enchantress -39 Mauler Spec'd for molvik -39 Chanter Spec'd for molvik -39 Bard Spec'd for molvik -39 Nightshade Spec'd for molvik -Few others as well Account 2: Nimue -50 Infiltrator RR6+ ML10 Champ 7 -50 Reaver RR5+ ML10 Champ 5 -39 Minstrel -39 Sorc -Few others as well Account 3: Percival -50 Druid Capped buffs with current gear along with 32 rejuv so can be used as Buff # or healer. RR4+ Account 3: Nimue -50 Cleric Same as above with the druid. -50 Armsman All Characters are fully geared and mostly capped using Loki. Few more characters on the accounts. Pleasee im looking to sell all 3 of these with secret words included. Please email me or IM me with offers Aim: Focuz0ndis Email: Mikey3@optonline Thanks

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    WTT DAoC Gareth account

    Account Information
    Has a few 50s including hunter warrior healer shamman all temped. Im looking for a eve-online account Message me or email me. ascendedf8th@

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    oloot = Buy - Trade - Sell - Build Your Accounts

    Account Information
    Simply go to oloot where you can buy, trade, sell or build a brand anything to do with accounts today! oloot

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Selling my plat on Albion Gareth / Bossiney cluster

    Account Information
    Got 32 plat there, looking for 14$ PM me if interested

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    daoc account

    Account Information
    Classic server, 50 vamp w/ decent temp, 49.5 bg ranger, decent temp, 48ish bg bard. All 3 have epic armor quest done, vamp is CL5 with champ weapon. Asking $50 or a guild wars account with xpacs enabled, email me at omgwtfpwnd@
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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