ANY server of your choice (the popular demand is ofcourse SEA accounts since they play both NA and SEA) Sorry no for KR (KR keys are possible to be obtained but you will need a KSSN and a phone number in korea that will be able to verify your identity.) You will get a KEY after money is confirmed within 1-2 days maximum (including time to contact the supplier). (After starting well i will have key stocked up first instead of buying after receive payments) For further questions please add me on msn ([email protected] /* */ ) Payment method is Paypal orLR $40-$45 for EU further details on msn PRICE MAY CHANGE CHECK OFTEN FOR LATEST PRICES Currently working on bulk order deals as welll / All in USD(or AUD) WHEN DOING THE PAYMENT PLEASE SEND AS GIFT AND WITH THIS NOTE This is the purchase of a virtual item. This item cannot be refunded. I will not attempt to reverse this transaction under any circumstances as the item has already been given to me. Unless instructed by the seller. IT IS TO PREVENT CHARGE BACKS. Payment goes you pay for a KEY (stating which one), Once I confirmed the money (or i will ask you for the receipt u get from paypal) I will start the order with my supplier. I will have it back to you by maximum 1 week.(this only applies for the start of this supplier after a few trades I will stock up instead) .;