war robots android.lancelot furi galahad rhino carnage gareth gepard fujin griffin stalker 1k gold and so many weapon high clas level up 5 slot
1 lancelot lvl 9 wp.ancile n 2 taran lvl 11 1 furi lvl 9 wp. 3 trident lvl 10 1 carnage lvl 9 wp. 2 thunder lvl 9 1 rhino lvl 6 wp. 2 orkan lvl 10 n 2 pinata lvl 10 1 fujin lvl 7 wp. 3 orkan 1 galahad lvl 9 wp. taran lvl 10 n 2 magnum lvl 10 1 gareth lvl 9 wp. taran lvl 5 n magnum lvl 9 1 gepard lvl 6 wp. 3 aphid lvl 9 3 stalker 1 lvl 8 2 lvl 1 1 patton lvl 6 and others bot n weapon like aphid treb trident taran magnum hydra . . . if you want my acount invite my number whatsapp#085397474980. plese nogotiation