Selling Sell Account - [WTS] 7 x 250 Z-Keys!!! Meine Gw...

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Guild Wars Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/6/13.

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  1. Guild Wars Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Sell Account - [WTS] 7 x 250 Z-Keys!!! Meine Gw Laufbahn neigt sich dem Ende zu und deswegen verkaufe ich hier meine Überreste an euch! I'm not playing Gw anymore, that's why i will sel you my stuff! SELLING 7 x 250 Z-Keys 250 Z-Keys = 17€ Kontakt: Entweder ihr schickt mir eine PM und ich teile euch meine /Icq Daten mit. Oder eine E-Mail an ***************************************************** Contact: Send me a PM and i will tell you my /Icq Address. Or send me a Mail to ***************************************************** ZAHLUNG ÜBER PAYPAL ODER ÜBERWEISUNG PAYMENT VIA PAYPAL OR VIA BANK TRANSFER Käufer kommt zuerst / Buyer goes first Sell Account - [WTS] 7+ full/mule accounts - must see! I have about 10+ accounts for sale: ALL ACCOUNTS ARE UNLINKED (NO PLAYNC REQUIRED TO CHANGE EMAIL and PASSWORD) American Accounts 1. All Campaigns + GWEN, 8 char slots : 200e or 35 USD 2. All Campaigns + GWEN, 8 char slots : 200e or 35 USD 3. Prophecies + GWEN, 4 char slots : 75e or 15 USD 4. Prophecies + GWEN, 4 char slots : 75e or 15 USD 5. Prophecies + GWEN, 4 char slots : 75e or 15USD 6. Prophecies + Factions, 6 char slots :60e or 12 USD 7. Factions Only, 4 char slots : 30e or 5 USD Since the accounts are ALL UN-linked, (log-ins can be changed ONLY after logging in and NOT from PLAYNC) you will be going first. Pm me or post here for wich one you're interested or for more infos, give me your IGN, i'll contact you ASAP. Sell Account - [WTS] 8 Stacks of ectos Hi Need to get rid of 8 Ecto stacks Price: 20$for 250e Add my if ur interested: christopher.widdenhielm89 Paypal. buyer goes first, or with MM, Endo great MM... Sell Account - [WTS] 8X GUILD WARS ACCOUNT / FARM ACCOUNT ( 1 2) Hallo, ich verkaufe 8 Guild wars Account 5 Davon sind Play Nc Gebunden (Daten Vorhanden) 3 Davon sind Play NC Gebunden (Daten nicht vorhanden) Pro Account / MIT DATEN 25 € PAY PAL Pro Account / OHNE DATEN 15 € PAY PAL ALLE ACCOUNTS WURDEN...
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