Selling  Sell account throne kingdom at war

Discussion in 'Throne Kingdom at War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dedprofi1955, 8/30/20.

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  1. dedprofi1955

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    Sell account lock 31 levels, VIP 32. ALL cardinals and inquisitors of the maximum level, the hero of level 69, research is fully pumped, in the laboratory up to 6 shooting ranges are pumped precipitation, knights and scouts. Shmot the entire legendary for 3 types of troops( 3 profile and 3 for castles) (on protection runes legendary, on attack 50/50). There are all the resources to study 7 shooting ranges completely, and improve all buildings to level 35, as well as pumping in the laboratory of 3 types of troops to 7 shooting ranges, and to pump one branch of foreign experience for gold( in the presence of 1.2 In gold, the only thing is no acceleration, but a couple of packs on the rollback will solve this problem). A lot of achievements is improved to the maximum. Model cities couple of 5 levels the rest 4, conditions on 5 met (except spending faith Inquisitor). In the presence of the hero's forces-11 million, the faith of the Inquisitor-48 million.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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