Sold SELL acc level 140 /99k mp lots of stuff. 180

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Meda86, 5/16/23.

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  1. Meda86

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    My Location:
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    The following is in the account:

    18 gems

    131 war coins

    895m Gold war coins

    512 Elementium to rank-up your favorite monsters (also has enough cells to rank up Eggeater, R.O.F.L, Krugbo, Blob, Thetys, Burotgor, Panda Claus, Harusami, and Brynhilda, and MORE!)

    6.36 Billion gold

    135 million food

    Storage includes lots of legendaries, epics and others for hatching or ranking up

    Played Monster legends for more than 5 years, but will not have time to continue...

    Have 68 Mythics and 210 Legendary, 472 unique monster.

    B/O $300. Current offer: $180

    Feel free to offer I accept paypal FnF :)

    NOTE: The account is only linked to a gmail account. After the purchase, I will give you the gmail account dare and you change the password .

    You can use intermediary if you pay. Otherwise, you go first (unless you have a lot of reps, I can go first).

    You can send me a message with offers or questions here or

    first contact the discord : Meda#8680
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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