+10 evil bracer socket (all damage %cards) +10 tights (morale 4 / all defence attribute cards & archer skeleton star card) +4 ancient cape (attk enchant) +4 rune boots (atk enchant) +6 double strength ring (blade 3 enchant) +7 Halberd(morale 3 enchant / triple mino cards), +6 nagan(morale2 enchant / double desert wolf card) +10 orchero helm (marduk atk enchant) frost masquerade mask (atk enchant) spiked scarf (atk enchant)) Devil wing (atk enchant) golden march / sky drake ALL gatcha currently full. golden rune 358 / 189465 adventure deposit atk 752 (cooking full, head gear full, cards deposit full / left with unlock cards) has wood goblin card, dragonflycard, vocal card saved. has pure zeny 233m currently also has shadow chaser item morale 4 desert dagger morale3 staunch armor etc has sub priest in diff account healing about 8k +10redcross /+10 holy robe /double durahan /angry mouth/ divinebless 4 cape & boots etc with LK to mvp right away. also has around 50m zeny in it. google account pm me through KAKAOTALK add me osiris116
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