Power: 28.774.255.96 Troops: Roughly 178m 60m T4 60m T3 and 40m T4a Level 22 HQ VIP Level 100 Commander level 62 Lots of attack, health, and def boosts 13m gold ~40k days of speedups Have multiples of every set (besides garrison) in the game in items (anniversary, lone wolf, refiners, tiger claw, hammer, etc) as well as the halloween accessories/helmets, and the new black friday accessories for the anniversary, lone wolf, refiners, and hammerhead sets. All buildings inside wall maxed besides Combat Lab ( at level 19 right now ) Looking for around 100 usd but all serious offers will be considered. line me at : Olszus, or email at adamolszewski96@gmail.com If you want pics just hit me up and I can provide them.