Sell: 100lvl, 4Citys, 240, 236 Hero, 150k S.Giants, Great buffs, 1st Ally

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Third Age Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Hey, I would like to sell my acc, becouse i dont have much time for game now.. Account is ready to play and getting fun for everyone. Lvl 100. Account Has already 9x New Indentty so u dont have to buy. Already in 1st alliance. There is over 250 mithril, 45+ Tokens. 12% Attack, 15%Life permament buffs. 7% Attack, 5% Life from Guardian + gems for all +8% (U need only stones to collect). Heroes: 240, 235, Few 225, Alot 220, Many unused lvlups. Already 170mil might + like 50-100m in boxes.. i m not sure its alot there. There is 120k+ Stone Giants, 3-6k other rare troops like woodsmen etc. Citys in very good mood. All vaults *11, 3-4 free Hobbit RC. Thousends of hourglasses, about 50 Infinite.. All Campaign unlocked. Hmm whats more there.. All citys 20% Troop production increased Also 20% or minimum 10% Food prod. Increased in all citys. Many attack/life buffs etc etc Any question? Ask here please or sent me an email : Feel free to offer a price here. The biggest offert will win. Have fun! Edit: May 20, 14 10:08am
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