Second Life Legacy Account 7+ Year This Beautiful Female Avatar Made in 2007 has not only neccesary items to enjoy your Second Life, but High Quality Mesh Items Including: Catwa Catya Mesh Head Maitreya Lara Body Blue-Berry Mesh Clothes Etc. Why live basic when you could live extravagant? This account is worth of 25k Lindens! Some items can be redelivered via the CasperLet Redelievery! Asking Price: 12,500 Lindens or $45.00 USD. Contact Me Via playerup or email [email protected]
@Dee Lover Could you give a little more info to everyone here? We have some guidelines here in below how to show basic proof. This will also help you and any sellers to convince buyers to buy easier on this forum. Enough basic info of your sales such as Name or Last name of your account DD/MM/YYYY of your account (To let buyers know they get the account as described when it is transferred) Screenshots of your avatar profile RL Payment method
If you need helps with how to show these basic proof from the guidelines here so everyone knows that the account does exist, just let us know. If you're unable to show basic proof here, your ad needs to be reviewed for the record by Playerup later. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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