taking offers on second 10.5 account DPS illuminati Quick Overview: 78% wheel 4 talisman pieces 10.5 ALL EPIC SIGNETS Vanity: Most of item shop outfits comes with 1400 funcom points most of item shop pets COMES WITH 100M PAX comes with SPARE EPIC SIGNETS of your choice if interested skype me skype: chosen.1121 .; Sorry, I don't have Skype (never used it). I am interested in your 10.5 TSW Acct.; however my funds are limited to around $100 cash and $100 (or more) worth of DVD movies (used, like new). Any interest in this trade? ________________________________________ DPS illuminati Quick Overview: 78% wheel 4 talisman pieces 10.5 ALL EPIC SIGNETS Vanity: Most of item shop outfits comes with 1400 funcom points most of item shop pets COMES WITH 100M PAX comes with SPARE EPIC SIGNETS of your choice if interested skype me skype: chosen.1121[/QUOTE] What do you want message sent im only currently looking for offers above $200 helping you bump (sorry) bump Offer: I'll trade you my existing QL10 account + $50 for your 10.5 account. sold at $420, thanks for the bumps.