Rank Corsair with rift. Boat for sale, full skills full castles full trophies great cannons. Great on fighting presets or farming presets. It has a 95% dodge chance, deals 470k damage on critical, a lot of ammo and currency for fights. It has all buffs at the moments and has bonus maps to prolong the buffs they give. Items as below: Cannons : https://prnt.sc/mDBXND4hOsg3 Cannons : https://prnt.sc/apTzThe4-CTu Expansions: https://prnt.sc/DhnowoBAfoy2 Expansions: https://prnt.sc/TZX8WIVIrbed https://prnt.sc/sG7tg7xGF6np - Currency https://prnt.sc/gqz-r0HiIEgE - reputation https://prnt.sc/pCAY6Tklybjr - trophies https://prnt.sc/OZibGqoOAGaH - Castles / Skills https://prnt.sc/qGsSUXilFDHL - Items https://prnt.sc/8VwvZd7NZ8og - Gems https://prnt.sc/KvWaJBcgD3Yj - Pet gems https://prnt.sc/Tcgi2x8vwLNF - Trainers