SEA server account
rank 50
free name change 1x available
Beginner used
6* list
thunder : Michael, Gronru, Irridon, Wrath,
water : Carleen, Raphael, Sariel,
forest : Hiiro, Beryl, Nikinis
fire : Sinsa, Eicy , Jona
for *5 and *4 can check on gallery
max ascension chara
Michael , Nadine, Hiiro, Sinsa, Gronru, Irridon, Vice , Chandra, Tessa
lvl 10 equipment
Michael, Hiiro, Sinsa, Gronru, Irridon, Vice, Chandra, Tessa, Beryl
old seal - stage 4 Requiem [bit more to stage 5]
spire : frost 20...
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