Sold Sea End Game, All Awakened lvl 65, 6 SSrs ships, 3.8k Black Tickets 120

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by EdgeLord101, 1/15/22.

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  1. EdgeLord101

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Account Details

    Awaken Units.
    - 110 A.Hilde
    - 110 A. Na Yubin (God Tier Build)
    - 110 A. Yuna
    - 110 A Seo Yoon
    - 110 A. LSY
    - 110 Replacer Queen
    - 110 Replacer King (When CP lvl 50)
    - 104 Yoo Mina
    - 102 E1
    - 100 Lee Ji Soo

    General Information:
    - 6k Quartz
    - 40 Blue tickets
    - 3800 Black Tickets, Ez pity for next awaken or two even
    - 250 Unit Slot
    - 800 Gear Slot
    - 5 SSr ships but enough mats to build any SSr ship you want
    - Sigma operator skill level 2
    - Lena Mackenzie operator
    - Dummy...

    Read more
    #1 EdgeLord101, 1/15/22
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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