Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) SEA Aestral-Noa 62K CS A6 Nemesis 4pc matrice/2pc A2, A6 Frigg, A6 Tsubasa incl 500+ rolls

Discussion in 'Tower of Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by patcho, 11/9/22.

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  1. patcho

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    SEA Aestral-Noa 62k CS, 6* Nemesis with 4pc matrices and with 2pcs at 2*, 6* Frigg, 6* Tsubasa, 3* Samir, 3* King, 4* Huma, 4* Shiro, 2* Meryl + 120 Black Gold.
    Includes 500+ worth of pulls in red nucleus/voucher/dark crystals/tanium with Vera 2.0 update not started and still full of resources.

    Sex change card included, name change and appearance change buyable with dark crystals, appearance change can be earned for free through Mirroria rewards.
    Standard matrices include sets of Samir/Crow/Huma/Shiro/Tsubasa.
    100%/100%/100%/98.6%/97.0% Aesperia map exploration progress, 0% Vera/Mirroria

    Binded with Google, comes with the gmail credentials. Can be binded with Steam/Facebook./Apple/Twitter/Line as well.
    Priced at $400, payment with PayPal F&F. Negotiable.
    Contact me on discord patcho#0806 for inquiries.

    #1 patcho, 11/9/22
    Last edited: 11/9/22
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