Selling  Android  High End SEA Account - Dark Cave - Super Whale Account

Discussion in 'Langrisser Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MyGrandma, 1/26/25.

  1. MyGrandma

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    I'm selling this super high end SEA Account

    * Clear all PVE content (waiting for new ones added)
    * Aniki All maxed
    * SSR heroes: 111/121
    * Bunches of 6 star maxed
    * Lots of heroes with exclusive equipment and good enchant stats
    * 91,000 crystals left
    * Almost all meta heroes collected
    * 17 SP heroes
    * A great number of skins (collected from events and Apex)

    Looking for serious buyers only.

    Price: $900

    * Payment method: PayPal

    The above price can't be haggled. I don't have time to play so really want to sell this to another person to keep making it stronger.

    Thank you very much

    * Note: I couldn't know how to post pictures here. I can provide you with full photos of the account if necessary. Just drop me a message here or via Discord: thereturned0153

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