Sold [SEA] 24 SSR really lucky-cheap Account Lv. 25 (almost f2p)

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Txlga, 6/9/21.

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  1. Txlga

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    Selling LUCKY 24 SSR Lv. 25 Account (almost full f2p)
    5,350 Quartz
    44 Employment Contract
    Inauguration Pack still ongoing (daily increase of 150 quartz)
    Linked with dummy-fb, will change all informations to yours (email etc.)
    everything else in Screens
    Spoiler: SSR


    [SEA] 24 SSR really lucky-cheap Account Lv. 25 (almost f2p)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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