Sold SEA | 10x5* changli sig, jinshi sig, encore r1, verina, lingyang, etc

Discussion in 'Wuthering Waves Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AdamStalleon, 9/1/24.

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  1. AdamStalleon

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    Welcome, Stranger.

    I am a humble reseller of many game accounts. I am not the original owner of the accounts I sell, but I bought them from the previous owners. They are not stolen or # accounts so I assure you the accounts I'm selling are safe.

    Anyway, here's the spec of the account:
    Login: Kuro
    Birthday: Unset
    Server: SEA
    UL: 43
    Email: Linked, be changed to your email upon purchase (If it can't be changed I will give the gmail instead)
    Phone: None
    Third party links: None
    Account bought since 27 august 2024

    Price looking for 135$ (now 30$)
    #. Dm first to ask if it's still available.

    See the content of the account here:

    (If the link doesn't work just copy and paste it on any browser.)

    Disclaimer please read carefully:

    I give reimbursement if the accounts I sell gets retrieved. Only if it's retrieved not # or banned. I will let you pick another account from my stock that's available for free. But to avoid false claim, the indicator to determine if an account is retrieved is the missing of the username. Since from my experience, when an account I bought got retrieved the username is suddenly gone.

    So, if I sell you an account with set username, I will reimburse you if the username is gone.

    If I sell you an account with username unset, you must record when you're setting the username and show it to me if you want to claim reimbursement in the future.

    Buying means you agree to my terms. If you don't, then feel free to buy from others if they can give you better insurance.
    #1 AdamStalleon, 9/1/24
    Last edited: 9/5/24
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