SE Free UFC Fights, etc possibly?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by a7xowns, 9/26/16.

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  1. a7xowns

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    Hey guys, i have been doing this for a while with my tv service provider. during any ppv like UFC,wrestling,etc etc(Stuff with probable high traffic) i call up customer support about halfway through the ppv(this is preference im sure it doesnt matter when you call) and basically tell them the video is stuttering and you are hosting company over for the fight/ppv/etc so you are really frustrated and unsatisfied with this. im not sure if they just dont give a love you or what but ive gotten over 3 free ppv's so far using this. not sure if it works in your country/with your provider so sorry if it doesnt work im not accountable but worth a shot eh?
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