Selling   Scania NA | Level 111 BW | Max Legendary BIS Gear | 100k+ CP 100 SF

Discussion in 'MapleStory M Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by KawaiiKitsune92, 9/18/18.

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  1. KawaiiKitsune92

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    *** Once agreed, will create a buyer middleman listing to ensure safety for both myself and the buyer***

    Lvl 111 (75% to 112) Blaze Wizard
    Has 4x other alts on it for storage purposes & maple leaf buff (All DK's - Lvl 85, 79, 74, 80)

    Legendary Lvl 25 Jaihin Wand Unique Potential (Base 2043) 14*
    Legendary Lvl 25 Eligos Outfit Rare Potential 14*
    Legendary Lvl 1 Muspell Gloves Epic Potential 10*
    Legendary Lvl 10 Grand Eligos Boots Unique Potential 10*
    Legendary Lvl 1 Noble Shoulders Rare Potential 14*
    Legendary Lvl 1 Bloody Cape Epic Potential 10*
    Unique Lvl 20 Eligos Helm Unique Potential 14*
    Unique Lvl 2 Extreme Belt Rare Potential 14*

    Total Stars: 100
    Total CP: 108778

    That's 3x max level gears ready for fusing :)!

    If you want I can provide extra: max legendary weapon & max legendary armor and max unique armor in inventory when you buy so you can fuse those 3x pieces instantly! just let me know price with/without. If nothing is indicated I will assume it is without.

    This account also has all gem packages available - have never paid for gems on this account. Feel safe with your purchase!

    Please post your offers.
    #1 KawaiiKitsune92, 9/18/18
    Last edited: 9/18/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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