1. /u/PomegranateTimely461

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    Okay update to yesterday, I had my account stolen that was purchased in September. As you know, you have to wait 24 hours to transfer the account from device to device so I waited the 24 hours and logged back in. Which was successful btw.

    So now, that I’ve regained access. Is there any sure fire way to guarantee the scammer can not get back in , in 24 hours? Or do I just need to re sign in everyday at the same time to keep the restriction up on my end? Is there an easier way? I no longer have access to the original email that was provided to login initially. I have the name of the email but not the password. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    # #/PomegranateTimely461
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.