Sold [SCAMMER] Selling End Game-ish rotmg account.

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by msn61391, 11/26/16.

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  1. msn61391

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    Don't play the game anymore so looking to sell my account asap.
    https : // gyazo . com /5c33c94b0fdc2e83216e6fc4de591875 - what the account has
    https : // gyazo . com /d3378c8d25a04441d922f81cbbaf68c5 - pet level
    The account has 13 8/8s, the mystic I had got invisible stacked shotted by the forgotten king so haven't remaxed it. 15 slots, 36 vaults, all chars have backpacks, 60*, second legendary pet of the same breed to make the good pet divine. It has everything an endgame account would have.
    Payment method is paypal
    Skype is msn61391
    Looking for offers, but don't lowball please.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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