
Discussion in 'Disputes - Resolved Cases' started by james919191, 12/30/20.

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  1. james919191

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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Example: December 26, 2020

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    Example: I'm the Seller

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: 2 seperate transactions, $79.5 and $39.5

    4. Other Parties Username
    Example: jason_krejza, Intermedial, (or intermedial.918152 when you click it, his profile's private?)

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment
    Example: Didn't ask me, so I assume credits

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    Example: Unknown

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    Example: Unknown

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Example: jason_krejza, Intermedial, (or intermedial.918152 when you click it, his profile's private?)

    9. Some extra information
    Basically someone offered $0.50 off my listing and I accepted. After accepting I was opened a middleman order by a guy named Intermedial. When I would click Intermedial's profile, it was just 404, not found, so i assumed it was just a middleman. They told me the transaction was good and I'd get paid within 24 hours. I get on the next day, no credits yet which isn't a big deal. The problem is the conversation for our middleman order, was deleted. Anyone know what happened? I doubt this guy scammed me since he has 450+ feedback, but what happened to my order??

    10. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below

    Like I said somehow the conversation was completely deleted from my inbox but I still have the emails for it. upload_2020-12-30_10-34-22.png upload_2020-12-30_10-34-46.png upload_2020-12-30_10-34-53.png upload_2020-12-30_10-35-14.png upload_2020-12-30_10-35-5.png upload_2020-12-30_10-35-20.png upload_2020-12-30_10-35-25.png upload_2020-12-30_10-35-31.png
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    You were scammed by a fake middleman unfortunately so you wont be receiving any payment that they promised you'd receive within 24 hours. I suggest contacting your game's support team to get your # account back.

    How will middleman services contact me?
    All middleman transactions are conducted on only. Never release any information, perform any service or release any payments if you're a seller unless @Middleman contacts you through the Conversation Ticket System. PlayerUp Middleman Services will never contact you through e-mail, discord, steam, facebook., whatsapp, kik, skype, or any 3rd party service. If somebody contacts you offsite claiming they are from PlayerUp, it is a scam.

    [Simple Guide] Playerup Middleman Service - New Members Read This! - UPDATED | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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