Scammed on 110$, exchange PP-BTC

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MasterCheep, 1/12/17.

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  1. MasterCheep

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    Hi guys, :confused:
    i wanted to trade PP to BTC
    i sent to one user via "for goods and services" $110 paypal for BTC. But he don't answer, and i checked, that this seller banned. My bad yes.

    I opened a dispute on paypal, wrote , that he didn't send item and didn't answer me.

    Paypal automatically sent message on my email :

    Your message regarding the purchase you made on January 11, 2017 for $110.00 USD has been sent to RTS Inc.

    Please allow time for your seller to respond.

    View the case details

    Deadline to respond: January 31, 2017

    We encourage you to work directly with RTS Inc to resolve this problem. Most of the time problems like this can be resolved quickly and amicably through the Resolution Center. You'll be able to review the transaction details and communicate with the seller there. We will notify you when your seller posts a response to your message.

    You need to take action on this case prior to January 31, 2017. These actions may include marking the case as resolved if you reach an agreement with your seller or escalating the case to a claim if you cannot resolve it. If you take no action by January 31, 2017, this case will be automatically closed. Once a case has been closed, it cannot be reopened or escalated to a PayPal claim.

    I never opened this disputes . What does it mean ? How many times paypal gives to seller for answer ?
    and what does it mean : " If you take no action by January 31, 2017, this case will be automatically closed. " i will don't get refund ?

    I have any chances to win ? thank you:(
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