Exploiting Sale Dispute - Scammed for a lvl 13 account

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by whale5970, 8/30/16.

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  1. whale5970

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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    August 29,2016

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    I'm the Buyer

    3. Total Transaction Value
    500 USD

    4. Other Parties Username

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    [email protected]

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username

    9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below
    [8/29/16, 7:56:45 PM] .: hello
    [8/29/16, 7:56:53 PM] Wei Huang: hi
    [8/29/16, 7:57:13 PM] Wei Huang: i saw your account for sale and was very interested
    [8/29/16, 8:07:25 PM] .: yes
    [8/29/16, 8:07:28 PM] .: whats ur budget?
    [8/29/16, 8:10:45 PM] .: sir
    [8/29/16, 8:35:15 PM] Wei Huang: whats the price for your lvl 13 account?
    [8/29/16, 8:35:26 PM] Wei Huang: also how many accounts are you selling?
    [8/29/16, 8:36:58 PM] Wei Huang: i see you have two lvl 13 accounts
    [8/29/16, 8:37:20 PM] Wei Huang: i just wanted to know how much you want for them
    [8/29/16, 8:41:22 PM] .: yes
    [8/29/16, 8:41:27 PM] .: im selling
    [8/29/16, 8:41:31 PM] .: whats ur price range?
    [8/29/16, 8:41:36 PM] .: and i can tell u if u can afford
    [8/29/16, 8:41:47 PM] .: if not maybe lvl 11 might be good for you
    [8/29/16, 8:41:53 PM] .: also habe lvlv9
    [8/29/16, 8:42:38 PM] .: have lvl 9
    [8/29/16, 8:43:28 PM] Wei Huang: 1000?
    [8/29/16, 8:43:59 PM] Wei Huang: i have a lvl 10 account already. i want something higher
    [8/29/16, 8:45:03 PM] Wei Huang: what do you think?
    [8/29/16, 8:55:28 PM] .: how will u
    [8/29/16, 8:55:31 PM] .: be able to purchase?
    [8/29/16, 8:55:39 PM] .: as you can see i am pro seller verified tons of feedback
    [8/29/16, 8:55:54 PM] .: bronze pro verified seller
    [8/29/16, 8:56:21 PM] .: so as you know once i recieve payment i then will deliver account of your choice
    [8/29/16, 8:56:25 PM] .: my lvl 13's
    [8/29/16, 8:56:27 PM] Wei Huang: middleman
    [8/29/16, 8:56:28 PM] .: one has name change
    [8/29/16, 8:56:31 PM] .: sorry
    [8/29/16, 8:56:44 PM] .: middleman hasnt payed me in 5 months aswell as other pro sellers
    [8/29/16, 8:56:52 PM] .: i have enough feedback to sell myself
    [8/29/16, 8:57:02 PM] .: thanks anyway :) goodluck buying
    [8/29/16, 8:57:10 PM] Wei Huang: paypal?
    [8/29/16, 8:57:20 PM] .: yes i accept paypal or amazon
    [8/29/16, 8:57:26 PM] Wei Huang: oh ok
    [8/29/16, 8:57:32 PM] .: what woukd u prefer
    [8/29/16, 8:57:34 PM] .: would
    [8/29/16, 8:57:40 PM] .: would u be able to do amazon?
    [8/29/16, 8:57:40 PM] Wei Huang: paypal
    [8/29/16, 8:57:47 PM] Wei Huang: i don’t have amazon
    [8/29/16, 8:57:57 PM] .: is ur balance already on ur paypal account?
    [8/29/16, 8:58:02 PM] .: or u need to add still
    [8/29/16, 8:58:20 PM] Wei Huang: can i see pictures?
    [8/29/16, 8:58:24 PM] .: yeah
    [8/29/16, 8:58:29 PM] .: want me to join
    [8/29/16, 8:58:30 PM] .: ur clan
    [8/29/16, 8:58:34 PM] .: whats the clan tag?
    [8/29/16, 8:58:39 PM] Wei Huang: yes account is ready
    [8/29/16, 8:58:47 PM] .: alright bro
    [8/29/16, 8:58:57 PM] Wei Huang: can you send pictures to my email?
    [8/29/16, 8:59:03 PM] .: i can send them here?
    [8/29/16, 8:59:08 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 9:00:12 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 9:00:20 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 9:00:25 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 9:00:28 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 9:01:05 PM] .: has all cards to max
    [8/29/16, 9:01:08 PM] .: the other ones
    [8/29/16, 9:01:21 PM] .: but no one uses them up in 4k trophies so its ur choice to max or not
    [8/29/16, 9:01:50 PM] Wei Huang: what about your other account? the other lvl 13
    [8/29/16, 9:01:57 PM] Wei Huang: what are the levels
    [8/29/16, 9:02:08 PM] .: yeah im not selling that one no more
    [8/29/16, 9:02:12 PM] .: unless i get better offer
    [8/29/16, 9:02:20 PM] .: it has name change
    [8/29/16, 9:02:26 PM] Wei Huang: oh ok
    [8/29/16, 9:02:43 PM] .: yeah sorry
    [8/29/16, 9:02:51 PM] .: u interested in mr y?
    [8/29/16, 9:03:02 PM] Wei Huang: what is mr y
    [8/29/16, 9:03:03 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 9:03:11 PM] .: that is current name of acc
    [8/29/16, 9:03:19 PM] .: want me to join ur clan?
    [8/29/16, 9:03:23 PM] Wei Huang: oh ok lol didn’t know
    [8/29/16, 9:03:30 PM] .: yeah no problem my bad
    [8/29/16, 9:03:44 PM] Wei Huang: yeah sure
    [8/29/16, 9:03:48 PM] .: would u like me to or would u like to proceed with deal
    [8/29/16, 9:03:49 PM] .: ah ok
    [8/29/16, 9:03:52 PM] .: whats name or clan?
    [8/29/16, 9:03:55 PM] .: tag
    [8/29/16, 9:04:15 PM] Wei Huang: only thing is that i tried to buy a clash of clans account a few months ago and i used paypal
    [8/29/16, 9:04:29 PM] Wei Huang: but the guy scammed me and never gave me account
    [8/29/16, 9:04:42 PM] .: you most likely dealt with a user that was a new seller or new member
    [8/29/16, 9:04:43 PM] Wei Huang: took forever to get my money back
    [8/29/16, 9:04:49 PM] .: i am a long time member
    [8/29/16, 9:05:11 PM] .: and i have many ranks and feedback on playerup.com
    [8/29/16, 9:05:16 PM] Wei Huang: i trust you its just that 1000 dollars is a lot to lose
    [8/29/16, 9:05:39 PM] Wei Huang: my clan name is kakitas united
    [8/29/16, 9:05:56 PM] .: alright bro ill join in a second and if you dont feel comfortable then thats okay
    [8/29/16, 9:06:04 PM] .: joining now
    [8/29/16, 9:06:36 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 9:07:18 PM] Wei Huang: also is it already linked to android
    [8/29/16, 9:07:24 PM] Wei Huang: i only have android
    [8/29/16, 9:07:33 PM] .: clan is full
    [8/29/16, 9:07:39 PM] .: i cant join
    [8/29/16, 9:08:17 PM] Wei Huang: can i join your clan then
    [8/29/16, 9:08:19 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 9:08:35 PM] .: and yeah its linked to android i will release all info once paid
    [8/29/16, 9:08:45 PM] .: can u just kick someone
    [8/29/16, 9:08:47 PM] .: ?
    [8/29/16, 9:08:51 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 9:09:00 PM] .: kick member
    [8/29/16, 9:09:04 PM] .: tell me when uhave
    [8/29/16, 9:09:08 PM] Wei Huang: done
    [8/29/16, 9:09:35 PM] .: ok im in
    [8/29/16, 9:09:44 PM] Wei Huang: ok i see
    [8/29/16, 9:09:53 PM] Wei Huang: im fog
    [8/29/16, 9:10:11 PM] Wei Huang: so can i ask how you have so many accounts?
    [8/29/16, 9:10:14 PM] .: ah ok
    [8/29/16, 9:10:17 PM] Wei Huang: and why you are selling
    [8/29/16, 9:10:19 PM] .: i buy and sell accs
    [8/29/16, 9:10:25 PM] .: am quiting
    [8/29/16, 9:10:30 PM] .: this is one of my main accounts
    [8/29/16, 9:10:42 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 9:10:57 PM] .: this acc can let u join any clan u want
    [8/29/16, 9:11:16 PM] Wei Huang: i just want another account because i like the game a lot
    [8/29/16, 9:11:44 PM] Wei Huang: so i can pay you on paypal?
    [8/29/16, 9:12:55 PM] .: yes thats okay
    [8/29/16, 9:13:28 PM] .: $1000 USD correct?
    [8/29/16, 9:13:43 PM] .: just need this incase of anything happening i have coverage
    [8/29/16, 9:13:59 PM] Wei Huang: yes
    [8/29/16, 9:14:47 PM] Wei Huang: just wondering… but if i were to give you fog would that be able to lower the price?
    [8/29/16, 9:14:51 PM] Wei Huang: if not its ok too
    [8/29/16, 9:15:33 PM] .: and you are purchasing my level 13 MR. Y clash royale account
    [8/29/16, 9:15:35 PM] .: correct?
    [8/29/16, 9:15:40 PM] Wei Huang: correct
    [8/29/16, 9:15:42 PM] .: name is MR. Y
    [8/29/16, 9:15:43 PM] Wei Huang: mr y
    [8/29/16, 9:15:44 PM] .: okay
    [8/29/16, 9:16:10 PM] .: you can send $1000 via friends and family so there is no international fee
    [8/29/16, 9:16:13 PM] .: that is ok yes?
    [8/29/16, 9:16:20 PM] Wei Huang: yes
    [8/29/16, 9:16:41 PM] .: okay. one moment
    [8/29/16, 9:16:48 PM] .: i am getting account details ready
    [8/29/16, 9:16:56 PM] .: account is also linked to apple
    [8/29/16, 9:17:00 PM] .: but i will give u all info
    [8/29/16, 9:17:20 PM] Wei Huang: ok:)
    [8/29/16, 9:18:59 PM] .: ok i am ready
    [8/29/16, 9:19:04 PM] .: would u like paypal email?
    [8/29/16, 9:19:08 PM] Wei Huang: yeah
    [8/29/16, 9:19:08 PM] .: ready *
    [8/29/16, 9:19:15 PM] .: $1000 USD correct?
    [8/29/16, 9:19:20 PM] .: friends and family?
    [8/29/16, 9:19:24 PM] .: so there is no fee
    [8/29/16, 9:19:29 PM] .: u understand?
    [8/29/16, 9:19:41 PM] .: when sending money gives option
    [8/29/16, 9:19:42 PM] Wei Huang: how to do that
    [8/29/16, 9:19:43 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 9:19:48 PM] .: please do it under friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:20:00 PM] .: when u add my email
    [8/29/16, 9:20:02 PM] .: to send money
    [8/29/16, 9:20:05 PM] .: there is option
    [8/29/16, 9:20:09 PM] .: stating friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:20:13 PM] .: ok?
    [8/29/16, 9:20:31 PM] Wei Huang: it says if i do friends and family i don’t have coverage
    [8/29/16, 9:21:24 PM] .: friends and family there is no fee there i am in different country so fee will be alot and yes u have coverage if i was decided to but clearly i am not as i have all details ready
    [8/29/16, 9:21:43 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 9:21:55 PM] .: as you can see u can still file a claim if there was a incident
    [8/29/16, 9:22:26 PM] .: there is no fee using friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:22:30 PM] .: hope thats okay with you
    [8/29/16, 9:23:09 PM] Wei Huang: how much is the fee?
    [8/29/16, 9:24:10 PM] .: im not sure in some countrys its like 20%
    [8/29/16, 9:24:23 PM] .: thats why i would prefer paypal friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:24:26 PM] .: it still has coverage
    [8/29/16, 9:24:29 PM] .: if you look it up
    [8/29/16, 9:24:33 PM] .: there is just no fee there
    [8/29/16, 9:25:33 PM] .: i am almost a year member on playerup.com and have tons of feedback
    [8/29/16, 9:25:37 PM] .: you have nothing to worry about
    [8/29/16, 9:26:04 PM] Wei Huang: PayPal Purchase Protection is designed to cover buyers in transactions for goods and services. Personal payments fall outside of this coverage.

    Misclassifying a transaction makes it impossible for PayPal to offer you protection. When making a purchase, in order to be covered by Purchase Protection, the transaction has to be correctly labeled as a purchase. That way the terms of the transaction are recorded correctly, and the seller can be held responsible for the delivery of goods. In a personal payment, there is no record of an agreement to deliver goods.

    Buyers can help ensure protection from fraud by scrutinizing abnormal requests. When someone asks you to do something out of the norm, it's important to think about whether or not they can explain the legitimacy of the request. What legitimate purpose does a seller have for asking a buyer to misclassify their payment?

    There are plenty of possibilities for a lack of legitimacy. Is he doing this to circumvent fees that a seller pays to receive payment? Is he doing this because it would be reportable income and he doesn't want it recorded? Is he doing this to deprive you of your purchase protection in the event that the item doesn't arrive or arrives broken?

    Asking yourself questions like this can help you make informed choices to avoid risky transactions.
    [8/29/16, 9:26:32 PM] Wei Huang: sorry but i have just been cheated before and i can’t afford to lose 1000 dollars
    [8/29/16, 9:26:49 PM] Wei Huang: i just want to make sure i get the account and you get the money
    [8/29/16, 9:27:08 PM] .: yes i know that. but friends and family there is no fee.
    [8/29/16, 9:27:16 PM] Wei Huang: I’m a collage student so not a lot of money to spend
    [8/29/16, 9:27:34 PM] .: yeah i understand
    [8/29/16, 9:28:16 PM] .: you have nothing to worry about man most sellers sell via friends and family so they get money right away and there is no fee
    [8/29/16, 9:28:28 PM] .: but its up to you
    [8/29/16, 9:28:31 PM] .: just let me know
    [8/29/16, 9:29:19 PM] Wei Huang: im just scared because the purchase protection only applies to pay for goods and services
    [8/29/16, 9:29:50 PM] Wei Huang: i have bought through PlayerUp before
    [8/29/16, 9:29:57 PM] Wei Huang: can we do that?
    [8/29/16, 9:30:06 PM] Wei Huang: what do you think?
    [8/29/16, 9:30:39 PM] .: sorry man i dont trust no site other then playerup, but middleman hasnt payed in over 5 months and i think he is scamming.
    [8/29/16, 9:30:53 PM] .: i would prefer friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:30:58 PM] .: its up to you
    [8/29/16, 9:31:11 PM] .: with friends
    and family
    [8/29/16, 9:31:19 PM] .: u can still file a dispute if u dont recieve item
    [8/29/16, 9:32:14 PM] Wei Huang: what is your email
    [8/29/16, 9:32:25 PM] .: [email protected]
    [8/29/16, 9:32:35 PM] .: and for my coverage one last time
    [8/29/16, 9:32:48 PM] .: MR. Y level 13 clash royale account
    [8/29/16, 9:32:52 PM] .: you are purchasing for
    [8/29/16, 9:32:54 PM] .: correct?
    [8/29/16, 9:33:21 PM] Wei Huang: yes
    [8/29/16, 9:33:52 PM] .: okay let me know when u are ready
    [8/29/16, 9:33:56 PM] .: account details are ready now
    [8/29/16, 9:34:27 PM] Wei Huang: can i pay 1050 but use goods and services?
    [8/29/16, 9:34:37 PM] Wei Huang: that would cover your fee
    [8/29/16, 9:35:23 PM] .: well if u would wanna wait 1-2 weeks to recieve account
    [8/29/16, 9:35:29 PM] .: goods and service takes time to use funds
    [8/29/16, 9:35:35 PM] .: to send to bank account
    [8/29/16, 9:35:43 PM] .: thats why most sellers use friends ans family
    [8/29/16, 9:35:46 PM] .: as its right away
    [8/29/16, 9:35:49 PM] Wei Huang: I’m using card so its right away
    [8/29/16, 9:36:03 PM] .: u said it was already loaded on ur acc?
    [8/29/16, 9:36:34 PM] Wei Huang: yeah loaded from my card that i just put in
    [8/29/16, 9:36:42 PM] Wei Huang: so it isn’t my bank account
    [8/29/16, 9:36:50 PM] Wei Huang: so it is right away
    [8/29/16, 9:37:24 PM] .: ah ok, but im saying that payment from goods and services takes time
    for me
    to be able to take funds to my bank account as with friends
    and family it is right away and there is no fee and i can send details right after payment
    [8/29/16, 9:37:36 PM] .: hope u understand u can still file a dispute with friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:39:41 PM] .: just let me know like u have nothing to worry about man i am pro seller bronze verified tons of feedback and almost year member with no problems lol
    [8/29/16, 9:40:24 PM] Wei Huang: lol yes. just 1000 dollars is so much to me when i work at a factory making minimum wage lol
    [8/29/16, 9:41:05 PM] .: okay man well its up to you just let me know when u make your decision
    [8/29/16, 9:41:32 PM] Wei Huang: can i send some of the money and then give you the rest once i get the account?
    [8/29/16, 9:41:38 PM] Wei Huang: is that fine?
    [8/29/16, 9:42:13 PM] Wei Huang: what do you think?
    [8/29/16, 9:44:06 PM] .: then there is chance u will run off lol... i know all the games man... i am long time seller
    [8/29/16, 9:44:09 PM] .: like once i recieve
    [8/29/16, 9:44:14 PM] .: u will get details to android
    [8/29/16, 9:44:18 PM] .: then apple if u want that
    [8/29/16, 9:44:54 PM] .: i would like $1000 usd via friends and family so then i can deposit to bank account right away
    [8/29/16, 9:45:10 PM] .: just let me know on ur decision please
    [8/29/16, 9:45:34 PM] .: some other buyers are coming up with money but if u can purchase now ill let them know its sold
    [8/29/16, 9:48:25 PM] .: would u be willing to send
    [8/29/16, 9:48:28 PM] .: $500 usd?
    [8/29/16, 9:48:32 PM] .: then i deliver acc
    [8/29/16, 9:48:36 PM] .: then other half?
    [8/29/16, 9:48:48 PM] .: via friends and family
    [8/29/16, 9:48:51 PM] .: what do u say?
    [8/29/16, 9:49:28 PM] Wei Huang: but you said i could run away with the account
    [8/29/16, 9:50:07 PM] .: yeah i understand that but if i could do $500 then i send details
    [8/29/16, 9:50:13 PM] .: then the other $590
    [8/29/16, 9:50:15 PM] .: 500
    [8/29/16, 9:50:26 PM] .: thn u get 2 step verification
    [8/29/16, 9:50:50 PM] Wei Huang: ok its possible
    [8/29/16, 9:51:02 PM] Wei Huang: one last question. how much is lvl 11 account?
    [8/29/16, 9:51:07 PM] Wei Huang: and what are troop levels
    [8/29/16, 9:51:08 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 9:51:23 PM] .: they are pretty much same stats as ur lvl 10
    [8/29/16, 9:51:48 PM] Wei Huang: yeah my lvl 10 is 500p from lvl 11
    [8/29/16, 9:51:52 PM] Wei Huang: xp
    [8/29/16, 9:51:57 PM] .: ah okay
    [8/29/16, 9:52:03 PM] .: well when will u like to do this?
    [8/29/16, 9:52:07 PM] .: u have my email?
    [8/29/16, 9:52:12 PM] Wei Huang: yes i have
    [8/29/16, 9:52:50 PM] .: okay
    [8/29/16, 9:53:43 PM] Wei Huang: how about this? i send you 500 using goods and services and you send me account. then i send you 550 using friends and family once i receive account?
    [8/29/16, 9:53:46 PM] Wei Huang: what do you think?
    [8/29/16, 9:55:08 PM] .: ur always switching it all up. just forget it man. but i would like friends and family payment. as i get to deposit money right away unlike goods and services
    [8/29/16, 9:55:21 PM] .: thanks anyway hope u find what ur looking for :)
    [8/29/16, 9:56:06 PM] Wei Huang: bummer really was wanting account...
    [8/29/16, 9:57:31 PM] .: sorry man. you dont trust me. i am pro seller tons of feedback and a year member no issues like iv told you. if you change ur mind let me know
    [8/29/16, 9:57:40 PM] Wei Huang: sorry i was just trying to find a way where i was comfortable
    [8/29/16, 9:58:03 PM] Wei Huang: ok can i see your feedback
    [8/29/16, 9:58:13 PM] Wei Huang: so i can build the trust lol
    [8/29/16, 9:58:21 PM] .: alright its on my playerup profile
    [8/29/16, 9:58:25 PM] Wei Huang: i am just scared because i got cheated before
    [8/29/16, 9:58:37 PM] Wei Huang: or i wouldn’t be so scared right now
    [8/29/16, 9:59:22 PM] .: Trading Profile of Sale | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
    [8/29/16, 9:59:31 PM] .: here is my feedback so far
    [8/29/16, 10:00:47 PM] Wei Huang: ok so i can give you 500 then you give account and then i give the other 500?
    [8/29/16, 10:01:00 PM] Wei Huang: i just don’t understand why you would trust me?
    [8/29/16, 10:01:33 PM] .: yeah i was thinking about that would rather u do the $1000
    [8/29/16, 10:01:41 PM] .: unless u do $500 then i send the details
    [8/29/16, 10:01:49 PM] .: but keep 2 safe verification
    [8/29/16, 10:01:54 PM] .: so u cant keep the acc
    [8/29/16, 10:02:07 PM] .: until other $500 is paid
    [8/29/16, 10:02:10 PM] Wei Huang: what is that?
    [8/29/16, 10:02:20 PM] .: the 2 step verification on gmail
    [8/29/16, 10:02:32 PM] .: ill keep it up until other $500 is paid
    [8/29/16, 10:02:38 PM] Wei Huang: oh ok
    [8/29/16, 10:02:46 PM] Wei Huang: ok i can do it now
    [8/29/16, 10:02:56 PM] .: yes :) account details are ready
    [8/29/16, 10:03:09 PM] .: [email protected]
    [8/29/16, 10:03:11 PM] .: is my paypal
    [8/29/16, 10:03:11 PM] Wei Huang: ill trust you
    [8/29/16, 10:03:21 PM] Wei Huang: you seem very trustworthy
    [8/29/16, 10:03:35 PM] .: okay thank you :) hope we deal again after this transaction
    [8/29/16, 10:03:51 PM] Wei Huang: my friend is looking at your lvl 11 account
    [8/29/16, 10:03:54 PM] Wei Huang: he wants to buy
    [8/29/16, 10:04:21 PM] Wei Huang: he is wondering how much? he might buy after our transaction
    [8/29/16, 10:05:30 PM] Wei Huang: ??
    [8/29/16, 10:05:36 PM] .: looking for $300
    [8/29/16, 10:05:38 PM] .: for it
    [8/29/16, 10:05:42 PM] .: lvl 3 legendarys
    [8/29/16, 10:06:00 PM] Wei Huang: sorry can you send pictures?
    [8/29/16, 10:06:04 PM] Wei Huang: of the lvl 11?
    [8/29/16, 10:06:10 PM] .: yeah after our transaction
    [8/29/16, 10:07:25 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 10:07:34 PM] .: im ready when u are
    [8/29/16, 10:07:39 PM] .: let me know when u send payment
    [8/29/16, 10:07:56 PM] .: please
    [8/29/16, 10:09:54 PM] .: also please screenshot when u sent it so i know
    [8/29/16, 10:10:06 PM] .: sometimes takes a bit of time to pop up in balance
    [8/29/16, 10:12:01 PM] Wei Huang: ok processing
    [8/29/16, 10:13:59 PM] .: what you mean? :)
    [8/29/16, 10:14:27 PM] Wei Huang: Image
    [8/29/16, 10:14:33 PM] Wei Huang: why do i have such a big fee?
    [8/29/16, 10:15:46 PM] .: dont pay with goods
    [8/29/16, 10:15:49 PM] .: pay friends ans family
    [8/29/16, 10:16:00 PM] Wei Huang: this is friends and family
    [8/29/16, 10:16:06 PM] Wei Huang: but i have 15 dollar fee
    [8/29/16, 10:17:11 PM] Wei Huang: do you know why?
    [8/29/16, 10:17:35 PM] .: im not sure. but please proceed
    [8/29/16, 10:17:48 PM] .: and if its okay
    [8/29/16, 10:17:52 PM] .: could u do 485
    [8/29/16, 10:17:56 PM] .: so its fair?
    [8/29/16, 10:18:02 PM] .: after
    [8/29/16, 10:18:09 PM] .: so ill be recieving 985
    [8/29/16, 10:18:13 PM] .: close enough i guess
    [8/29/16, 10:18:28 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 10:19:29 PM] .: alright then we all happt :)
    [8/29/16, 10:19:31 PM] .: happy
    [8/29/16, 10:21:03 PM] Wei Huang: ok sent
    [8/29/16, 10:21:21 PM] .: okay ill check now
    [8/29/16, 10:21:26 PM] Wei Huang: Image
    [8/29/16, 10:21:34 PM] Wei Huang: ok second half is ready
    [8/29/16, 10:21:55 PM] Wei Huang: also my friend is wondering if he could see some pictures
    [8/29/16, 10:22:46 PM] Wei Huang: get it?
    [8/29/16, 10:23:31 PM] .: yes one moment
    [8/29/16, 10:23:36 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 10:23:37 PM] .: checking
    [8/29/16, 10:23:49 PM] Wei Huang: please send asap
    [8/29/16, 10:23:54 PM] Wei Huang: so i can send you as well
    [8/29/16, 10:24:41 PM] Wei Huang: got it?
    [8/29/16, 10:25:57 PM] Wei Huang: did you receive it?
    [8/29/16, 10:26:16 PM] .: yes i was just thinking, could u please send the other half? because i know i said that but the other half should be payed aswell i usually always deal with full payment then the account because i gotten scammed before with half payment method, i hope u can accept it because i can refund the $500 if not im sorry for wasting time id just like the full payment
    [8/29/16, 10:26:28 PM] .: if not i understand and ill refund ur $500
    [8/29/16, 10:26:46 PM] Wei Huang: can you just refund then?
    [8/29/16, 10:26:58 PM] Wei Huang: my friend is more willing to do it
    [8/29/16, 10:27:11 PM] Wei Huang: refund mine and he can buy
    [8/29/16, 10:28:36 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:29:13 PM] Wei Huang: he will pay you full
    [8/29/16, 10:29:17 PM] Wei Huang: lol he is more bold
    [8/29/16, 10:29:25 PM] .: okay listen dude, i am pro seller verified with tons of feedback, u have nothing to worry about get it threw ur head lol. i am pro seller man. not everyone has this. im not like the guy who ripped you off. he was most likely a new seller and not expericed pro like me. this would just be waste of time if we just dont do it now. like what do i need to do i have shown all the proof u need
    [8/29/16, 10:29:36 PM] .: he can purchase my other lvl 13
    [8/29/16, 10:29:41 PM] .: after our transactio is done
    [8/29/16, 10:29:49 PM] .: transaction
    [8/29/16, 10:29:58 PM] .: tell him $1300 for
    my acc with name change
    [8/29/16, 10:30:13 PM] Wei Huang: he will just buy this one
    [8/29/16, 10:30:37 PM] Wei Huang: can you refund?
    [8/29/16, 10:30:59 PM] Wei Huang: i trust you that is why i told him he can buy
    [8/29/16, 10:31:24 PM] .: okay i feel like you will just get refund and not contact me no more lil
    [8/29/16, 10:31:25 PM] .: lol
    [8/29/16, 10:31:31 PM] .: if u want to do the deal
    [8/29/16, 10:31:32 PM] Wei Huang: no lol
    [8/29/16, 10:31:33 PM] .: tell him
    [8/29/16, 10:31:36 PM] .: to send me the $500
    [8/29/16, 10:31:45 PM] .: so ik ur not messing around
    [8/29/16, 10:31:49 PM] .: via goods and service
    [8/29/16, 10:32:11 PM] Wei Huang: can you refund? i sent money already to show i was serious
    [8/29/16, 10:32:21 PM] .: yes, now tell him to send money
    [8/29/16, 10:32:24 PM] .: so i know its serious
    [8/29/16, 10:32:43 PM] .: then ull get ur refund
    [8/29/16, 10:32:50 PM] .: i dont wanna do all this talking
    [8/29/16, 10:32:55 PM] .: and get wasted time
    [8/29/16, 10:33:02 PM] Wei Huang: we are sending a lot of money
    [8/29/16, 10:33:09 PM] .: i understand that
    [8/29/16, 10:33:16 PM] Wei Huang: please refund. can you trust me like i trusted you
    [8/29/16, 10:33:17 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:33:26 PM] .: once he sends $500
    [8/29/16, 10:33:29 PM] .: i will then refund urs
    [8/29/16, 10:33:33 PM] .: then he sends the other $500
    [8/29/16, 10:33:40 PM] .: and u can give me his contact details
    [8/29/16, 10:33:53 PM] .: and ill release acc
    [8/29/16, 10:34:03 PM] Wei Huang: he is debating on lvl 11 account and lvl 13
    [8/29/16, 10:34:52 PM] .: ok well, once he sends part of a payment for an account u will get refund
    [8/29/16, 10:35:02 PM] Wei Huang: but for now please refund the money i sent you.
    [8/29/16, 10:35:08 PM] .: because i feel like u just think i scammed you now
    [8/29/16, 10:35:09 PM] Wei Huang: he is scared you will change your mind
    [8/29/16, 10:35:17 PM] .: what?
    [8/29/16, 10:35:21 PM] Wei Huang: yes i feel like it
    [8/29/16, 10:35:49 PM] .: okay, i am pro seller bronze verified lmfao! i have no need to i am member for a years time with no problem
    [8/29/16, 10:36:01 PM] .: once he starts the payment
    [8/29/16, 10:36:01 PM] .: u will be refunded
    [8/29/16, 10:36:42 PM] Wei Huang: i know
    [8/29/16, 10:36:44 PM] .: leaving for now
    [8/29/16, 10:36:47 PM] .: until we do the deal
    [8/29/16, 10:36:51 PM] .: where he sends
    [8/29/16, 10:36:54 PM] .: or u finish ur deal
    [8/29/16, 10:37:03 PM] Wei Huang: but i was very confident that you would keep what you said
    [8/29/16, 10:37:10 PM] Wei Huang: but you changed your mind
    [8/29/16, 10:37:44 PM] .: yes until i realize when i got scammed that one time
    [8/29/16, 10:37:55 PM] .: i wil refund once he sends part of the payment
    [8/29/16, 10:38:05 PM] .: otherwise complete ur transaction
    [8/29/16, 10:38:22 PM] Wei Huang: i send other half and you will send account?
    [8/29/16, 10:38:55 PM] .: yes of course
    [8/29/16, 10:39:04 PM] .: and if ur friend wants lvl 11 afferwards let me know
    [8/29/16, 10:39:15 PM] Wei Huang: 100 percent you will?
    [8/29/16, 10:39:41 PM] .: yes because it will be full payment
    [8/29/16, 10:39:49 PM] Wei Huang: you can see why i am hesitant though?
    [8/29/16, 10:40:02 PM] .: yeah i know but i am pro seller not a new member
    [8/29/16, 10:40:07 PM] .: thats what u dont understand
    [8/29/16, 10:40:19 PM] Wei Huang: i understand
    [8/29/16, 10:40:35 PM] Wei Huang: but i thought you said you had the 2 step verification thing
    [8/29/16, 10:40:42 PM] Wei Huang: now you don’t have it?
    [8/29/16, 10:41:11 PM] .: yes ill remove it
    [8/29/16, 10:41:17 PM] .: once transaction complted
    [8/29/16, 10:41:19 PM] .: completed
    [8/29/16, 10:41:44 PM] Wei Huang: why can’t you send account first and then i pay you
    [8/29/16, 10:41:48 PM] Wei Huang: and then you remove
    [8/29/16, 10:41:49 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:42:01 PM] .: because u will have access to it if u dont decide to pay me
    [8/29/16, 10:42:15 PM] .: and i dont want to have anyone access
    [8/29/16, 10:42:16 PM] Wei Huang: but you have the verification thing
    [8/29/16, 10:42:19 PM] .: until they fully pay
    [8/29/16, 10:42:20 PM] .: yes
    [8/29/16, 10:42:25 PM] .: but u will still be logged in
    [8/29/16, 10:42:29 PM] .: the clash royale base
    [8/29/16, 10:42:52 PM] .: once i recieve the full amount
    [8/29/16, 10:42:57 PM] .: u will be recieving the account
    [8/29/16, 10:43:01 PM] Wei Huang: you forgot about this?
    [8/29/16, 10:43:02 PM] .: you have nothing to worry about man
    [8/29/16, 10:43:54 PM] .: yes im sorry... once i get the other half your guaranteed the account
    [8/29/16, 10:44:00 PM] .: as it will be full payment
    [8/29/16, 10:44:06 PM] .: and all yours :)
    [8/29/16, 10:44:16 PM] Wei Huang: how guarantee?
    [8/29/16, 10:44:29 PM] Wei Huang: use goods and services?
    [8/29/16, 10:44:48 PM] .: the family and friends but the account is guaranteed
    [8/29/16, 10:45:02 PM] Wei Huang: how do i have guarantee
    [8/29/16, 10:45:20 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:45:58 PM] .: because it is the full payment
    [8/29/16, 10:46:02 PM] .: and thats what we agreee on
    [8/29/16, 10:46:32 PM] .: agreed on
    [8/29/16, 10:46:40 PM] .: are u gonna be sending or not
    [8/29/16, 10:46:52 PM] .: i am pro seller man not a new seller like that guy who scammed you
    [8/29/16, 10:47:36 PM] Wei Huang: i understand man. but can you please refund first?
    [8/29/16, 10:47:47 PM] .: how is refunding doing anything lol!
    [8/29/16, 10:47:52 PM] .: just send the $500?
    [8/29/16, 10:48:02 PM] .: and enjoy your new account
    [8/29/16, 10:48:19 PM] .: $485 *
    [8/29/16, 10:48:29 PM] Wei Huang: [8/29/16, 10:26:16 PM] .: yes i was just thinking, could u please send the other half? because i know i said that but the other half should be payed aswell i usually always deal with full payment then the account because i gotten scammed before with half payment method, i hope u can accept it because i can refund the $500 if not im sorry for wasting time id just like the full payment
    [8/29/16, 10:26:28 PM] .: if not i understand and ill refund ur $500
    [8/29/16, 10:48:39 PM] Wei Huang: can you please first refund?
    [8/29/16, 10:48:51 PM] Wei Huang: so i also know you are serious
    [8/29/16, 10:49:17 PM] Wei Huang: i keep sending money. i trust you but can i just first confirm?
    [8/29/16, 10:49:17 PM] .: yes that was if ur friend pays aswell
    [8/29/16, 10:49:22 PM] .: im not getting time wastee
    [8/29/16, 10:49:26 PM] .: wasted
    [8/29/16, 10:49:32 PM] .: u send the $500 and enjoy the acc
    [8/29/16, 10:49:35 PM] .: or ur friend pays half
    [8/29/16, 10:49:41 PM] .: then u get refund
    [8/29/16, 10:49:52 PM] .: and he pays rest
    [8/29/16, 10:49:53 PM] Wei Huang: ill buy your lvl 11 account?
    [8/29/16, 10:50:23 PM] .: our deal was level 13 .
    [8/29/16, 10:50:24 PM] .: not 11
    [8/29/16, 10:50:27 PM] Wei Huang: just refund me 200 and send me lvl 11 account details
    [8/29/16, 10:50:34 PM] .: the lvl 11
    [8/29/16, 10:50:37 PM] .: was just sold
    [8/29/16, 10:50:41 PM] .: wanna see?
    [8/29/16, 10:50:47 PM] .: i marked the thread sold
    [8/29/16, 10:51:24 PM] Wei Huang: i still see it was selling
    [8/29/16, 10:51:36 PM] .: Image
    [8/29/16, 10:51:37 PM] .: it is sold
    [8/29/16, 10:52:18 PM] .: wanna talk to buyer lol?
    [8/29/16, 10:52:27 PM] Wei Huang: yes please
    [8/29/16, 10:52:36 PM] Wei Huang: lol
    [8/29/16, 10:52:43 PM] Wei Huang: that would make me feel better
    [8/29/16, 10:52:57 PM] .: okay one moment ill ask him if its okay for ur skype so u can add him
    [8/29/16, 10:53:05 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 10:53:48 PM] .: tell ur friend sorry
    [8/29/16, 10:53:54 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:53:57 PM] .: but this guy was ready to buy
    [8/29/16, 10:54:01 PM] Wei Huang: ok
    [8/29/16, 10:54:21 PM] .: his skype is whosthiskidnamedmcraidz
    [8/29/16, 10:54:26 PM] Wei Huang: that would be nice if i can talk to him
    [8/29/16, 10:54:27 PM] .: add him if ud like
    [8/29/16, 10:54:59 PM] Wei Huang: i just added him
    [8/29/16, 10:55:18 PM] Wei Huang: did you tell him?
    [8/29/16, 10:55:20 PM] .: alright idk if hes on
    [8/29/16, 10:55:24 PM] .: he should get request idk
    [8/29/16, 10:55:40 PM] Wei Huang: i added him
    [8/29/16, 10:56:14 PM] .: ah ok
    [8/29/16, 10:56:16 PM] .: idk
    [8/29/16, 10:57:32 PM] .: one moment
    [8/29/16, 10:57:35 PM] .: ill brb
    [8/29/16, 10:57:48 PM] Wei Huang: talking to him now
    [8/29/16, 10:58:51 PM] Wei Huang: stilll there?
    [8/29/16, 10:59:18 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 10:59:29 PM] .: yeah im back
    [8/29/16, 10:59:31 PM] .: what happen
    [8/29/16, 10:59:39 PM] .: :)
    [8/29/16, 11:00:10 PM] .: hello??
    [8/29/16, 11:00:37 PM] Wei Huang: best way for me is if you could kindly refund me so that i can know your of real. and then i can just make one payment in full
    [8/29/16, 11:00:49 PM] Wei Huang: that way i feel like you can work with me
    [8/29/16, 11:00:52 PM] Wei Huang: and i can work with you
    [8/29/16, 11:01:01 PM] .: sorry man. we already made the deal. once i recieve the other $500 u will get the account
    [8/29/16, 11:01:30 PM] .: or ur friend sends some
    [8/29/16, 11:01:33 PM] .: for it
    [8/29/16, 11:01:37 PM] .: and u get refund after
    [8/29/16, 11:02:09 PM] .: u already speaker with one of my buyers
    [8/29/16, 11:02:13 PM] .: now ur just wasting more time dude
    [8/29/16, 11:02:24 PM] Wei Huang: he isn’t responding
    [8/29/16, 11:02:26 PM] .: $500 and then u can enjoy the account
    [8/29/16, 11:02:32 PM] Wei Huang: your buyer isn’t responding
    [8/29/16, 11:02:39 PM] .: ok ill ask him to then
    [8/29/16, 11:02:58 PM] Wei Huang: did he just buy?
    [8/29/16, 11:03:05 PM] Wei Huang: or was it a while ago?
    [8/29/16, 11:03:09 PM] .: yeah 5-10 mins ago
    [8/29/16, 11:03:16 PM] .: he just told
    hes getting off
    [8/29/16, 11:03:22 PM] .: but said u talked with him
    [8/29/16, 11:03:27 PM] .: why are u lying now?
    [8/29/16, 11:03:29 PM] .: wtf
    [8/29/16, 11:03:39 PM] Wei Huang: i was just talking to him
    [8/29/16, 11:03:45 PM] Wei Huang: but he stopped responding
    [8/29/16, 11:03:54 PM] Wei Huang: i didn’t know he was getting off
    [8/29/16, 11:04:18 PM] .: well he told u i sold an account to him via paypal? like seriously lol.
    [8/29/16, 11:04:32 PM] .: idk why u still dont trust
    [8/29/16, 11:04:35 PM] .: u even said u did
    [8/29/16, 11:04:41 PM] .: $485
    [8/29/16, 11:04:45 PM] .: and then u can relax
    [8/29/16, 11:04:49 PM] .: and
    enjoy the account
    [8/29/16, 11:05:09 PM] Wei Huang: I’m just paranoid cause he sounded like it was you
    [8/29/16, 11:05:30 PM] Wei Huang: he told me about friends and family without even me asking
    [8/29/16, 11:05:38 PM] .: all sellers and buyers sound the same lol wtf?
    [8/29/16, 11:05:43 PM] .: and so?
    [8/29/16, 11:05:48 PM] .: he bought off me before
    [8/29/16, 11:05:55 PM] .: we went threw this one fast
    [8/29/16, 11:06:00 PM] .: because we already talked about it
    [8/29/16, 11:06:40 PM] Wei Huang: man i just really need a refund
    [8/29/16, 11:06:52 PM] Wei Huang: please man you have to trust me
    [8/29/16, 11:06:55 PM] .: ok ur just wasting time again.
    [8/29/16, 11:07:01 PM] .: i will make dispute on this
    [8/29/16, 11:07:15 PM] .: and playerup admin will tel us what to do
    [8/29/16, 11:07:17 PM] .: tell
    [8/29/16, 11:07:40 PM] .: u either send the $485 and enjoy the account
    [8/29/16, 11:07:43 PM] .: or i will make a dispute
    [8/29/16, 11:07:52 PM] .: that may take weeks
    [8/29/16, 11:07:56 PM] .: whats ur choice
    [8/29/16, 11:08:01 PM] .: u talked to my buyer
    [8/29/16, 11:08:05 PM] .: iv shown legitimacy
    [8/29/16, 11:08:08 PM] .: i joined ur clan
    [8/29/16, 11:08:17 PM] Wei Huang: i know you have the account
    [8/29/16, 11:08:18 PM] .: im pro seller verified bronze not everyone has that
    [8/29/16, 11:08:28 PM] .: im a year member
    [8/29/16, 11:08:32 PM] .: there is nothing more to say
    [8/29/16, 11:08:34 PM] Wei Huang: you just don’t seem like you are willing to work with me man
    [8/29/16, 11:08:38 PM] .: i wanted this deal to go smooth
    [8/29/16, 11:08:40 PM] .: and u ruin it
    [8/29/16, 11:09:07 PM] Wei Huang: i follow your demands but you are unable to allow to understand me
    [8/29/16, 11:09:24 PM] .: yes u got scammed by a member who was new to the ite
    [8/29/16, 11:09:25 PM] .: site
    [8/29/16, 11:09:32 PM] .: and then u take it out on me
    [8/29/16, 11:09:37 PM] .: im pro seller
    [8/29/16, 11:09:44 PM] .: im a year member with no problems
    [8/29/16, 11:09:55 PM] .: just send the payment and u can relax and enjoy your new account
    [8/29/16, 11:10:20 PM] Wei Huang: you can see why i am scared though right?
    [8/29/16, 11:10:29 PM] .: we went over this man i know
    [8/29/16, 11:10:33 PM] .: u got scammed by
    [8/29/16, 11:10:36 PM] .: " NEW MEMBER "
    [8/29/16, 11:10:42 PM] .: i am " PRO SELER "
    [8/29/16, 11:10:45 PM] Wei Huang: i was just very shocked when you said that you can’t do it anymore
    [8/29/16, 11:10:46 PM] .: not ne
    [8/29/16, 11:10:52 PM] .: new
    [8/29/16, 11:11:03 PM] .: thats because i never thought of it ok
    [8/29/16, 11:11:11 PM] .: the $485 like we agreed on above
    [8/29/16, 11:11:16 PM] .: then u will enjoy the account
    [8/29/16, 11:11:23 PM] .: and we all will be happy
    [8/29/16, 11:11:26 PM] Wei Huang: can i send you the 485 through the goods and services?
    [8/29/16, 11:11:36 PM] Wei Huang: just so i have an easier dispute
    [8/29/16, 11:11:45 PM] Wei Huang: you still got your money
    [8/29/16, 11:11:52 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 11:12:07 PM] .: that isnt our agreement of the $1000 just send it via friends and family
    [8/29/16, 11:12:11 PM] .: then u will enjoy the account
    [8/29/16, 11:12:17 PM] .: thats all we have to say
    [8/29/16, 11:12:19 PM] .: its up to you now..
    [8/29/16, 11:12:25 PM] .: or ill contact playerup admin
    [8/29/16, 11:12:30 PM] .: may take weeks to reply tho
    [8/29/16, 11:12:30 PM] Wei Huang: I’m asking you as a buyer
    [8/29/16, 11:12:32 PM] .: up to you
    [8/29/16, 11:12:34 PM] Wei Huang: please
    [8/29/16, 11:12:47 PM] .: i always buy via friends and famiy
    [8/29/16, 11:12:48 PM] .: family
    [8/29/16, 11:12:53 PM] Wei Huang: i get that
    [8/29/16, 11:12:57 PM] Wei Huang: but this time man
    [8/29/16, 11:13:49 PM] .: its how i work. we went theew all this bro. once u send the $485 i will send the details and the guaranteed delivery of your account as that was our deal at $1000
    [8/29/16, 11:14:20 PM] .: ill drop the price down to $450
    [8/29/16, 11:14:23 PM] .: thats my final offer
    [8/29/16, 11:14:35 PM] .: or i will contact admin for a dispute
    [8/29/16, 11:15:52 PM] .: i understand u got scammed by a new member. that happens. but ur thinking im a new member when im not
    [8/29/16, 11:15:54 PM] .: i am pro seller
    [8/29/16, 11:16:00 PM] .: year member like i told you
    [8/29/16, 11:16:04 PM] .: i shown u my feedback
    [8/29/16, 11:16:05 PM] .: and everything
    [8/29/16, 11:16:39 PM] Wei Huang: i guess you can just contact admin. and i can open the fraud dispute. as i checked it on the ohio commerce division. they can just open a fraud case
    [8/29/16, 11:16:44 PM] Wei Huang: i want to buy as one payment
    [8/29/16, 11:17:01 PM] .: ok i will contact admin
    [8/29/16, 11:17:05 PM] .: see u in a few weeks :)
    [8/29/16, 11:17:35 PM] .: thank you for wasting time
    [8/29/16, 11:18:20 PM] Wei Huang: to avoid such a big process can you refund 450?
    [8/29/16, 11:18:49 PM] .: no. because i will win so u will be sending me the other $450 lol
    [8/29/16, 11:18:51 PM] Wei Huang: so i don’t have to go through the beaeru and you don’t have to contact admin
    [8/29/16, 11:18:56 PM] .: nah
    [8/29/16, 11:19:00 PM] .: im contacting admin
    [8/29/16, 11:19:06 PM] .: im done with time wasters all the time
    [8/29/16, 11:19:48 PM] .: and the price is back to $485 as u never took the $450
    [8/29/16, 11:21:16 PM] .: this is the last chance. before i go threw this process. you send the $485 via goods and services, then i deliver the account
    [8/29/16, 11:21:37 PM] Wei Huang: goods and services?
    [8/29/16, 11:21:43 PM] .: yes
    [8/29/16, 11:21:49 PM] .: but if its good and service
    [8/29/16, 11:21:52 PM] .: it will be $500
    [8/29/16, 11:21:54 PM] .: because of fee
    [8/29/16, 11:22:15 PM] Wei Huang: i thought you just said 485
    [8/29/16, 11:22:16 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 11:22:23 PM] Wei Huang: i have already paid a fee
    [8/29/16, 11:22:25 PM] .: the fee from good and ser ice
    [8/29/16, 11:22:30 PM] .: ser ice
    [8/29/16, 11:22:32 PM] .: service
    [8/29/16, 11:22:35 PM] .: is probably $20
    [8/29/16, 11:22:38 PM] .: i dont want to lose
    [8/29/16, 11:22:38 PM] Wei Huang: i have another fee when i pay again
    [8/29/16, 11:22:47 PM] .: if its good and service
    [8/29/16, 11:22:48 PM] Wei Huang: its 2.9%
    [8/29/16, 11:22:50 PM] .: i get the fee
    [8/29/16, 11:22:52 PM] .: and u dont
    [8/29/16, 11:23:58 PM] .: we have a deal or no?
    [8/29/16, 11:24:24 PM] Wei Huang: what happens if you don’t want to sell account anymore?
    [8/29/16, 11:24:31 PM] Wei Huang: or something else comes up?
    [8/29/16, 11:24:32 PM] .: i just told you
    [8/29/16, 11:24:37 PM] .: $1000 and the accounts urs
    [8/29/16, 11:25:01 PM] .: nothings coming up
    [8/29/16, 11:25:07 PM] Wei Huang: ?
    [8/29/16, 11:25:20 PM] .: what?
    [8/29/16, 11:25:26 PM] .: ok
    [8/29/16, 11:25:29 PM] .: send $485
    [8/29/16, 11:25:30 PM] Wei Huang: what isn’t coming up?
    [8/29/16, 11:25:32 PM] .: goods and service
    [8/29/16, 11:25:35 PM] .: nothing is
    [8/29/16, 11:25:45 PM] .: ur saying something will come up
    [8/29/16, 11:25:48 PM] .: nothings coming up
    [8/29/16, 11:26:04 PM] .: im ready to finish the deal
    [8/29/16, 11:26:09 PM] .: if u scam me im gonna be pissed
    [8/29/16, 11:26:22 PM] Wei Huang: what?
    [8/29/16, 11:26:27 PM] .: if u refund
    [8/29/16, 11:27:05 PM] .: after i give acc
    [8/29/16, 11:27:08 PM] .: ill be pissed
    [8/29/16, 11:27:20 PM] Wei Huang: so why did you wanna contact admin?
    [8/29/16, 11:27:58 PM] .: OKAY!! so he would fix everytbing but will take long time as he is busy on playerup
    [8/29/16, 11:28:10 PM] .: send it $485 goods and services
    [8/29/16, 11:28:14 PM] .: and then enjoy ur acc
    [8/29/16, 11:28:17 PM] .: if u refund it after
    [8/29/16, 11:28:21 PM] .: i will make scam report
    [8/29/16, 11:28:26 PM] .: understand?
    [8/29/16, 11:28:29 PM] Wei Huang: yes
    [8/29/16, 11:28:31 PM] .: okay
    [8/29/16, 11:28:36 PM] Wei Huang: what if you don’t send account?
    [8/29/16, 11:28:36 PM] .: u have my email
    [8/29/16, 11:28:39 PM] .: lets finish this
    [8/29/16, 11:28:42 PM] Wei Huang: what do we do then?
    [8/29/16, 11:28:47 PM] .: now ur assuming im not sending
    [8/29/16, 11:28:50 PM] .: im about to go to sleep
    [8/29/16, 11:28:56 PM] .: getting tired of this
    [8/29/16, 11:29:19 PM] Wei Huang: ok just contact admin and ill make fraud report so we can sort this out
    [8/29/16, 11:29:30 PM] .: okay see u in a few weeks
    [8/29/16, 11:29:33 PM] .: :)
    [8/29/16, 11:29:37 PM] Wei Huang: i don’t think you want my business
    [8/29/16, 11:29:41 PM] Wei Huang: i was serious
    [8/29/16, 11:29:45 PM] .: nope not anymore
    [8/29/16, 11:29:49 PM] .: after u ruined it
    [8/29/16, 11:29:53 PM] .: i will contact admin
    [8/29/16, 11:30:01 PM] .: get u banned on playerup
    [8/29/16, 11:30:05 PM] .: goodbye
    [8/29/16, 11:30:28 PM] .: u ruined the smooth deal because u got scammed by a new member when im pro seller
    [8/29/16, 11:30:39 PM] .: u think id scam when im a year member and tons of feedback haha
    [8/29/16, 11:30:48 PM] .: bye now contacting admin
    [8/29/16, 11:30:57 PM] Wei Huang: they all went through middleman
    [8/29/16, 11:31:08 PM] Wei Huang: we went through paypal
    [8/29/16, 11:31:25 PM] .: ull be banned shortly
    [8/29/16, 11:32:03 PM] .: for time wasting
    [8/30/16, 11:03:24 PM] .: get banned
    [8/30/16, 11:03:27 PM] .: :D
    [8/30/16, 11:03:30 PM] .: scammer
    [8/30/16, 11:05:46 PM] .: hahahaha
    [8/30/16, 11:05:50 PM] .: ur banned
    [8/30/16, 11:05:58 PM] .: dont try and scam next time
    [8/30/16, 11:10:10 PM] Wei Huang: i trusted you but you turned out to be a scammer. i am not banned lol. was just looking through other accounts to buy. i have contacted paypal and my bank to hold the funds. don’t scam anymore. keep your promises if you’re gonna sell an account. i am talking to paypal to have it taken care of. fraudulent activity will not be tolerated.
    [8/30/16, 11:10:44 PM] .: ur a scammer
    [8/30/16, 11:10:53 PM] .: u will be banned shortly :D
    [8/30/16, 11:11:11 PM] Wei Huang: i didn’t have an account
    [8/30/16, 11:11:11 PM] .: i already spent ur funds
    [8/30/16, 11:11:15 PM] .: bye
    [8/30/16, 11:11:21 PM] Wei Huang: i just created one
    [8/30/16, 11:11:28 PM] Wei Huang: i got a full refund
    [8/30/16, 11:11:33 PM] .: oh u did?
    [8/30/16, 11:11:35 PM] .: lets see
    [8/30/16, 11:11:39 PM] .: hahahaha dumb love you
    [8/30/16, 11:12:07 PM] .: lmaooo
    [8/30/16, 11:12:20 PM] .: u tryed to scam
    [8/30/16, 11:12:24 PM] .: didnt work out for ya
    [8/30/16, 11:13:13 PM] Wei Huang: Blocked .
    [8/30/16, 11:13:40 PM] .: goodluck finding a level 13 account :D
    [8/30/16, 11:13:47 PM] .: no one will ever sell u
    [8/30/16, 11:13:53 PM] .: u could of had one if u didnt ruin our deal
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  2. Vietzobud

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    @Sale has his Skype username as: "SocialMediaKingPin" You posted his username as "sociakmediakingpin". Can you confirm that?
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  3. OP

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    yes it is socialmediakingpin
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  4. Vietzobud

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  5. therekt

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    This should be interesting.
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  6. Admin

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    @Sale has been banned until this is resolved.
  7. Admin

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    Dispute the payment inside PayPal.
  8. Admin

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    Post his paypal information here
  9. OP

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  10. OP

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    this is his information
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  11. Pew.Aries

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  12. Admin

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    Did you dispute the payment?
  13. OP

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    i have made a fraud alert with my bank.
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  14. Admin

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    Thank you. There are ways to defend such disputes but he likely won't know how to do this. For now this issue is resolved and Sale has been suspended until he responds and communicates professionally with us. We have had a couple other support ticket complaints over Sale recently as well but you're the only one we know of that reported being scammed..
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